Aug 21, 2004 17:30
i hate the feeling of aggravation. people have a major tendency to suck at times and right now its my parents. all the huss and fuss about my sisters b-day and i didnt even go with them cuz my moms wicked cool. if i was one would cried allot, i would be crying now. but oh well. another thing that people tend to do is start rumors. people need to mind their own fucking business and stay out of mine. people talk to me like they give a shit and they really dont. dont pretend to care about me or talk to me when u have nothing good to fucking say. dont ask when i'm going back to school, or if i'm living there or not, cuz u really don't care. ur never gonna come visit me anyway. people who would visit me or care about me would know when i'm going back to school, and don't ask who i'm living with because u wouldn't know her anyway. u stopped caring about me when we got outta high school, so dont fucking hold on to something that isnt there, cuz if its not there now, it never was there. which means it was just a huge waste of time, high school was a waste of time. u are a waste of dont bother calling, or even saying that ur going to call, cuz u never will, u never have, so quit screwing with my mind and leave me alone. u will become one less thing to think about...