Mar 03, 2006 22:59
...I'm one of the clumsiest people to ever stumble on planet Earth.
I am pretty good about not letting Nemo into lauren's room, and tonight, he and i left the bathroom, and he headed for her door, which was cracked open. Usually I divert him with my foot towards the direction of my room... I tried to do that tonight, with the same soccer-player-ish move I do (a quick transfer of my weight from one foot to the other, so i can nudge him away), and instead of nuding nemo, I nudged the doorjamb. hard. I yelled and fell into my room... pain pain pain. But honestly, after the past 14 months, pain is nothing.
my mother has pointed this out to me, I don't EVER half-ass anything. I do it good. I don't just get into a dinky fenderbender or something, i get sideswiped and sent spiraling into head-on traffic. I don't just scrape my leg, i take the whole thing out in a rollerblading accident. I don't just stub my toe- I nearly break 2 of them. Ugh.
I don't think anything is broken... I can bend the "ring toe" and the "middle toe" on my left foot about halfway before it HURTS. and i cant put any weight on the front part of that foot (i hobble around on my heel)... It took a few hours to test that too, that's how much it hurt. lol. Took some bayer and took a nap, which i will resume shortly.
Guess I broke my new year's resolution... i got hurt already. But I made it for two whole months! Actually, wait. I think my NYresolution was to avoid a trip to the ER... so in that respect, we're fine. Let's just hope it's not swollen or anything tomorrow. And if it is, I still have my crutches. =)
And as I told A-bomb today, I really hope I shake this apathy thing off really soon. Or maybe I don't. Because when all the stuff I've been numb to finally sets in, you can count on a big shitstorm... Whatever, my foot hurts. lol. goodnight.