Sep 24, 2008 21:28
ok..not ONLY does the guy I was sooo INTO not choose to make me a "priority"...then this other guy I had been talking to "Paul".....decent guy but really...he IS geographically undesirable....anyway....Weds & Thrs are his days off...been wanting to meet me for almost 2 FINALLY I say yes to TONITE....WEDS>...HIS DAY OFF right?....sO I figure I will get outta the salon as soon as I can....I tell this to Paul...he tells me he STILL needs to go to the gym and will call me when he is his DAY OFF>...he knew we were trying to meet tonite...wouldnt ya THINK he would go to the GYM earlier today???????????? WTF???!!!
So he doesnt call till just after 9pm....Yeh...Im tired....Im not ABOUT to try and get together THIS fuckin way.....and tomorrow? ahh Noooo....Ive already got some ROCK SOLID THRS NITE PLANS thank you very much.....and this wknd....he works late all wknd....soo it is SOO Not gonna happen....THEN....I get a random text from this other guy..havent heard a PEEP outta him in over a month...he just randomly tells me "HEy there"...yeh....whatever,,,,,,,,,,when? when I ask will " I " get to be SOMEONES priority?....the one guy I was soo into is more INTO his work then trying to find even a MOMENT for me.....go figure?,....maybe Im just not worth anyones time lately? I dont get it....yeh....Im bummed, pissed, irritated....whatever