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lemonteacake September 20 2010, 21:00:21 UTC
Yay you added me! :)

I think this is probably the beginning of a lovely friendship ^^

I just went to the theatre yesterday. I say the theatre but it was really more of a theatrical experience - have you heard of "The Accomplice"? You probably have, I hear it's a big thing in NY!

I love Shiina Ringo's voice! The song she sang for "Smile" was amazing and never fails to make my heart squeeze a little everytime I hear it <3

You seem to like British tv. I'm in London but I hardly ever watch telly these days cos I'm waaaay too busy trying to keep up with Arashi and their 100004958567 variety shows and telly appearances lol. But one British show I'm really into at the moment is "The In-Betweeners". It's brilliant!

I LOVE J dramas!!! What are you watching at the moment? I'm watching Natsuniji (naturally... XD ), Hotaru no Hikari 2, GOLD, Mioka, Yankee kun Megane chan and Hakusen Nagashi.

Crafts-wise, I want to make things but I'm not that creative, sadly :( I've recently taken up oil painting though. I'm planning to paint my own Christmas cards this year............ wish me luck cos I procrastinate WAY too much and at the rate I'm going those cards will probably be ready for Easter 2012 DX

I have a lot to say. I don't really know where to start which is why everything is coming out all jumbly! Let's have a conversation!! XD


ladybuttons September 21 2010, 00:22:19 UTC
Hello there! I also think this is the start of a lovely friendship!

I actually haven't heard of the, "The Accomplice", but I think I'm going to have to learn more about that! The last show I saw was, "Mrs. Warren's Profession" on Broadway with Cherry Jones and Sally Hawkins. It was alright, but it's hard for me to get into Shaw.

Shiina Ringo is made of hearts! My favorite song is the one I posted above, Le Salle de Bain. I love that song to bits!

I hear ya about trying to catch up with all of Arashi's shows! Sometimes it can be hard trying to find that balance between all the things that I watch. I have heard of The "In-betweeners" and waiting/hoping BBC America picks it up, unless they might have? I'm definitely a fan of British Shows, Doctor Who being my favorite! I'm just grateful for BBC America and PBS for showing them.

Right now I'm watching Natsuniji (although, I'm a little behind), Byakuyakou and whenever I really get to starting it Unubore Deka. I still need to start Hotaru no Hikari from the beginning. That is definitely one I need to start!

I can be a bit of a procrastinator too but also since I make hats at a studio all day, lol, sometimes I just can't look at my sewing machine when I get home. :) That's pretty cool about making your own cards! I've done a little bit of oil painting but now I've been focusing more on Textile crafts and that variety.

Feel free to drop me a line whenever! I always try to reply fast but sometimes work prevents that. I'm also going to try to start updating a little more.


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