Dec 10, 2004 00:28
i'm feeling completely overwhelmed right now.
why? i'll tell you why. actually, i'll list for you why.
1. my sister and three out of friend guests are all coming into town at the same time and i have no clue how to juggle all of them without making myself insane. i know that two of them want to stay with me at least a little while here, but i'm not sure how to work that out either, as i only really have room for one guest at a time.
2. well, i got the apartment, which is great but now i actually have to move! ack! i need help! this is the worst possible time i could have chosen. seriously. the only possible day to move is next saturday the 18th, and i need help! but first, i have to pack! ack! i have the week before christmas off of work but does anyone else, cause i could move the big stuff on the 20th or 21st instead... but i need to be kind of moved before the out of town guests get here. eek! help!
3. my current apartment is a wreck! i am awash in christmas and channukah gifts. i need to wrap them all but barely know where to start. i need to wrap some tonight but i'm actually sleepy for a change and just want to go to bed. can i afford to do it in the morning?
4. an excerpt from today's horoscope which some of you will understand and some of you won't but is nonetheless frustrating and stressful:
The line between friends and lovers is ordinarily quite obvious -- but for you, it could quite easily become blurred. If one or both of you isn't ready for this, better content yourself with some serious flirting.
in less overwhelming news:
i attended the work party tonight for the store that i still work at occasionally. my incredible boss there, gives incredible gifts. i now own my very first Coach wallet. it's awesome. and even though i haven't worked there regularly since may, she still calculated my hours and gave me a nice christmas bonus that i am in desperate need of thanks to my inconveniently timed move.