Dec 31, 2010 21:00
40. Tales of the Red Panda: The Mind Master by Gregg Taylor
41. Tales of the Red Panda: The Android Assassins by Gregg Taylor
Red Panda is good in any form, and Gregg has gotten really good at writing him in both the radio drama format and the pulp novel format. This format is what makes me *love* the man, because we get to see behind the curtain to be reminded he is a man more often.
42. Vince and Joy by Lisa Jewell
Good fluff for reminding you that everybody's love life is as screwed up and/or non-existent at times as your own. Good characters, quick read. I enjoyed this to take my mind off things.
43. Black Cross by Greg Iles
This book grabbed my attention because of the Nazi symbology on the front. (What? Stop looking at me like that. As a German major, it turns my head, because it is usually an indicator Germany is going to be a big part of the story.) More surprised was I when my mother told me Greg Iles was one of her favorite authors. This books was a completely fictional World War 2 scenario that was very good. Except for the name of the concentration camp: I giggled every time I saw the word "Totenhausen" because they would never be ridiculous to name one of the camps that. Gives too much away.
books 2010