I'm a web-designer, so don't give me crap about changing my layout around. XD; I made this new layout today and I'll probably use it on and off with the other one.
Back to why I'm posting:
There was once a time when I could never do what I decided to do today before, but no more is that so. As you may or may not be aware, Kate and I are having no success promoting
Crystal Palace III. I was asking myself "is there any way I could advertise this in a way that actually reaches strangers?" when it occurred to me that on almost any given day, somebody in the world is on the He's There website for at least a few minutes. Of course, for years I have posted links to other stories on my websites, but this time I put a full-blown advertisement and encouraging word slap-dab on the
front page of He's There.
I hope it works. The link higher on that page about this blog has yielded numerous visits, so I'm thinking at least a few more people than usual are going to see CP3, which is better than its number of visitors now, which is 0-1 every blue moon.