Hey guys, is it list time? IT IS LIST TIME! \o/
1. I know that some of you folks are Kindle people (what, what, "electronic" books?), so I thought I'd pass on this useful little tidbit from
avictoriangirl :
How To Convert Fanfic For Kindle. Wheeeee! I don't have one of those fancy gadgets, myself, but this sounds like great fun!
2. So, I have an account on
The K/S Archive, though I. Um. Haven't gotten around to actually loading any of my fic. *cough* (Yes, I registered so that I could more easily stalk authors/stories STOP JUDGING ME.) But NOW it has come to my attention that AO3 has
this nifty new subscription feature. And according to
rae1013 , it is extremely easy to import fic that has been posted elsewhere. I LIKE THINGS THAT ARE EASY! LIKE JIM. Soooooo . . . what do I do? I choose to Ask The Audience!
Poll Please enable my indecisiveness 3. Have randomly started considering the possibility of putting together fanmixes for a couple of my stories. (Through Blind Men's Eyes and The Ivy Crown, specifically, though the latter would have to remain unposted until after the story's finished, because of POSSIBLE SPOILERS.) I have never actually made a fanmix, though, and I have some uncertainty regarding copyright, as well as how the hell you get it all together for people to download. Anyone with opinions and/or advice, please let me know! ^_^
4. ...Actually, I think that's it.