First: Finally finished Dollhouse today. Aside from some of the gaping holes (which I will never forgive, as if the show had been allowed to play out as nature intended there would've been time to deal with everything that got condensed into a handful of episodes) I thought that it was really, phenomenally excellent. I actually had to fight to keep from tearing up a couple of times.
First when Topher died and then when Echo/Caroline/whoever downloaded Paul into her head. Okay, it's not like I didn't see that last part coming, but I've been reading so much ST fanfic lately that my mind IMMEDIATELY jumped to Kirk's death and my unshakable theory that his katra merged with Spock's at that point. And then I got all wibbly. So now I'm a bit emosad. Just a bit. If anyone has anything happy and delightful that won't make me think of TWOK or anything equally emopants, please point me in that direction.
Meanwhile, I have decided to work on The Ivy Crown in an attempt to distract myself from the angst. Huzzah!
Second: I'm suddenly realizing that I haven't seen
xlcatloveress around the internets in the past couple of days, and am afraid that perhaps she won't see my email/will be too busy to beta for me. (Completely my own fault if either of these are the case, as I may have forgotten to actually mention being in need of her services beforehand. Oops. Bad monkey, no biscuit for you.) Now, yes, I only sent the email last night, so it's completely unreasonable of me to be worrying about such a thing already. But I have this freakish fear of being late and missing deadlines (this is why I tend to arrive ridiculously early for just about everything) and after so many years of being that way I've accepted that this isn't going to change. Thus, I would rather take precautions.
With that in mind, is there anyone out there who would be willing to be my backup beta for the purposes of a rather sick and twisted Mirrorverse story? Kirk wears a collar, if that sweetens the pot any. Probably not a bad idea to have a couple people looking over my stuff anyway, as I tend to just sort of chuck stuff up completely unbetaed and then later find a dozen things I should've changed.
Any takers?