fiction to make someone smile

Mar 09, 2007 03:07

at least I hope it will

elsewhere a really talented writer is ...well...not a happy peachicken

shutthef_up this is for you...chapter one of what's going to be a series
if you or anyone else reading this thinks it should be posted to one of the communities I'm a member of..please say so in the comments

Title: it's just a dream?
pairing: Daniel/Cam/Vala (special guest stars galore)
spoilers: none really (not that I can think of anyway)
rating: PG (for now it's going to be NC 17 I'm sure)

"Where are we?" Vala's voice held a slight note of quaver to it despite the fact she was trying her best to be brave. The Prior had frightened her less than being stuck in this dark room. Daniel had woken first and when unable to see anything had begun calling out softly. That was when he discovered Cam and Vala were both in here too. That was also when he found he was restrained.

"I'm guessing some sort of underground cell, from the feel of the floor." Daniels voice sounded oddly authoritative to Cam and of course he had to comment.

"You the resident expect on underground cells there Jackson?" Cam didn't mean to sound snippy but waking up laying on a cold hard floor was not doing his back any good at all. He could hear a lot of rattling then a light appeared. It was Vala who somehow had a torch in her hands, which were now unrestrained.

"How about I get you boys free and we can discuss experts cells and other things somewhere else hmm?" With general sounds of agreement from them both Vala moved first to Daniel then Cam and freed them from the chains with a small wire like object. "Don't ask me where I got this from by the way. I remember thinking to myself I could really use a picklock and a torch and then I moved and felt the weight in my pocket." Both men looked at her slightly puzzled.

"You just thought about what you needed and it appeared?" thus sayeth Daniel the sceptic and scholar, those two sides at odds with each other. Cam shrugged and stretched a few times as he looked about the room, the light not really giving him very much detail.

"What I'd like is some idea of why we're here and where we are" Cam being the one that liked the practical details covered early in the piece, he took a step towards Vala and then stumbled slightly. "What the?" He reached down and picked up a book. A book. The thought occuring within a second the book hadn't been there a moment ago, and he looked in the dim light at the title. "ladybirdness' guide to the dream you are currently inhabiting, subtitled how to make shutthef_up go squee by the three of you getting it on in raunchy details."

The three looked at each other a very long moment, Daniel opening and closing his mouth a few times before Vala finally got words out.

"Would you mind terribly Cam saying that again?" She seemed to pause a moment. "I'm not sure I heard that right."

"ladybirdness' guide to the dream you are currently inhabiting, subtitled how to make shutthef_up go squee by the three of you getting it on in raunchy details." Cam's voice was just a little on edge, but he held it in check. "According to this we're in a fantasy world or a dream or something." He opened the book to the first page and began to read aloud. "Welcome to the fantasy world created by the fan minds of a few Stargate SG1 fans. You of course don't belong to us we just borrow you to write fanfics about now and then." He stopped again, looking at Daniel. "This is more your area of expertise you know."

Daniel reluctantly took the book from him, then opened the book to the chapter index. "Chapter 4 A little about the character you play. Chapter 7 Why some fanfics ship different combinations. Chapter 13 Het Vs Slash fic and why ladybirdness rarely writes it." He looked at Vala then Cam. "If I'm reading this right we're in a dream and this is the writers way of communicating with us what he or she wants"

"Damnit I'm real I'm not some imaginary character in a bad sci fi show." Cam was justifiably annoyed Daniel thought, a notion that was followed by one that Cam was almost cute when he was pissed. This and the realisation that he had no idea where that thought came from made him turn pale.

"OK. We need to find a place to settle for a bit while we read this book then figure out how to get out of here." Not wishing to add the thought that was slowly edging into his mind, that being they might have to let this author have their way with them in order to escape.

fic4stfu, ot3, sg1

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