Loads of randomness follow.
I got Optimus Prime pajama pants. How amazing is that? Clearly, my family knows me well. ♥
And then my littlest sister further made my day by giving me... well, she'd given several of us sibs of hers
Domo plushies. She gave me
this one. I laughed pretty hard. Yay vampires!
And I got a stick of Reeses lip gloss. Reeses. ♥
Just saw Arsenic and Old Lace. It's an old classic, a black-and-white film from 1994, but it's absolutely freaking hilarious. Everyone needs to find a copy and watch it, if they haven't already!
As for burning them goes, I'm going to be trying out IMGBurn. Nero doesn't want to burn a dual-layer dvd movie such that my PS2 will read it. :| This displeases me. (anyone have any tips?)
Had a project a little while ago: making a journal layout in Flexi Squares, based off of Persona 4's GUI. Specifically, the GUI that comes up when you pause the game in the dungeon or walking around town. I actually got pretty far, and was inordinately pleased with it.
There it is, in Chrome! Innit shiny? The links all get larger when hovered over (as evidenced in the tags there!) and other fun stuff like that happens just as it does in P4 itself! Yay! And the menu on the left is in a fixed position, but the entries (and comments) to the right expand to fill the page, so it's not like there's a lot of wasted space. (maybe I should move the sidebar off to the left a bit further, though...)
....and then I previewed it in IE and had someone cap it in an older version of FireFox for me. Sigh. Back to the drawing board, later, I guess.
So, a question for all you lovely people who will answer this:
What browser/version of it do you use for LJ? FireFox 3.5? FireFox 3.0? Google Chrome? Safari 4? Konqueror? Input greatly appreciated!
the Blue Man Group is totally epic. (Youtube them. Go on, you know you want to!)
I need to redraw Rise's head in a pic I finished recently, and then I'll post it. Need to work on more icons for Harley, too. Lol, failpony. ♥
corrugatedfury is too much fun to play with.
I suck at FPS games, especially on consoles. At least my little brother's glad to have me along in co-op mode for Halo campaigns... it means that while I stick to the back of the group and snipe (I'm not so horrible at that, at least!) he can go charging in and if he gets himself killed, he can generally always respawn quickly, not too very far away.
I've been cleaning up space on my hard drives again, deleting large quantities of files and directories that I'd neglected to clear out previously, from folders of old Windows installs, where I didn't realize space had been claimed. Temp files, programs, etc...
Spacemonger is a blessing. Just freed up 4 GB from my 30-gig C-drive today. Very happy with that.
Public post instead of private because why not.