weekend recap

Jun 06, 2005 09:02

I'm in awe.

For the first time in what feels like MONTHS nothing went wrong over the weekend. On the contrary, I had a pretty decent time of it.

Friday at work was a lovely long-lost bitch fest between Brandon and myself, focusing mostly around Nesta's worthless lazy ass. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one he chronically pisses off.

Friday night I had dinner with Jen and Matt at Applebee's (very yum) and then just chilled for the rest of the night. Jezebel, we've discovered, likes to sit right up on your chest (when you're lying on your back) so that you almost touch nose to nose. And from there she likes to purr and drool. The purring is nice. We need to work on the drooling bit. I began a story that I'm writing with Britt ... should be a high-tootin pirate adventure, reminiscent of Louis L'Amour's "The Walking Drum" with less skirt chasing and more sass. Excerpts to follow (but only if you're really good).

Saturday was a long sleep in kind of day. Jezebel sure didn't mind. Eventually dragged myself out of the bed and into the car to do battle with Atlanta traffic. Oh yes, dear reader, Atlanta traffic sucks even on the weekend. Depending on where you're driving, it could be especially on the weekend. Fortunately, I only had one big patch of construction to deal with. I stopped by the house to check on the family (Dad & Thomas anyway, Mom disappeared to the beach with Auntieem) and discovered that Leo (aka Furball, Fat-Cat, Stupid) needs to go to the vet. Joy.

Saturday night was the "Stock Rob's Bar" party. Very cool. I enjoy hanging out with these people, so I had a good time messing with Matt and talking about Zebra sex ... that one's for you, Sarah! Lovely people. Lovely alcohol. Lovely evening all around.

Sunday ... well. Woke up mostly early to drive back to Newnan for a riding lesson. Mental note: Hangover + 85 degree heat + riding lesson = bad idea. But Topper is back to kicking as much ass as Topper can. Fully shod this time, we did a lot of jumping. He's still very lazy about picking up the left lead, but I'm pondering the possibility of showing this month. I suppose the question is whether or not I can afford it. I think I'll try. Okay:

25 June ... Quail Ridge Farms ... come watch me jump a horse over some poles. Should be fun. Wear sunscreen.

I saw "Cinderella Man" last night. It's pretty much what you expect it to be. Warm fuzzy movie. I am very interested in some of the previews I saw. "The Island" is on my must see list (Ewan ... duh) as well as "The Skeleton Key." And now so is the most recent remake of "Pride & Prejudice". This is probably the role that will either make or break my opinion of Kiara Knightly. Can she pull of Elizabeth Bennett? I didn't recognize some of the lines I caught during the trailer, so I'm thinking they rewrote some of the dialogue (ANATHEMA as far as I'm concerned with dear Jane Austin, unless the entire movie is completely and rediculously anachronistic ... like that remake set in Utah ... mneah).

And now a lazy Monday morning at work.

jezebel, work, equus, friends

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