Red Cliff I

Jan 23, 2011 17:24

It really is such a crying shame that the English version cuts out almost two hours from the original.

Again I'm impressed with the sheer size of this epic, they know they have time to tell the story and the make good use of it.

Other than the amazing scenery what really struck me was the battle scenes, its a movie about war and the battles get a great amount of attention, although I have to admit that the length of the first battle between Cao Cao's forces and the Allied forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan, was just a bit too much as I couldn't help feeling quite bored at some points, or maybe it was because I was watching it for the second time and know how it ends?

But at the end of the day this is still a great movie, with epic fight scenes and awesome characters, and when people do speak, the dialog is always brilliant!

randomness, movie review, my useless opinion

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