So President Obama was in Mumbai for two days last week, and as always our local politicians/wannabe politicians prove just how much of a ignorant bunch they are.
For one, as President of the US, Obama just cannot go around calling countries terrorist states, so certain parties that are offended that he didn't label Pakistan as such. Just because you are used to saying whatever pops into their heads and consequences be damned, doesn't mean that everyone else is as tactless. Also picking up on words which a person used or did not use and getting agitated, rather than what was actually been said makes you'll look like the uneducated dimwits you'll are.
The problems Pakistan is facing are complex and are not going to be solved if America labels them as terrorists. I also know that we have a long and equally complex history with our neighbor, but if any of them had even the slightest amount of foresight, they may realize that it's time to settle this before we get surrounded on both sides.
Now that we are on the topic, I'm sure you guys must have read about Rohinton Mistry's book, Such A Long Journey, being removed from the BA syllabus of the University of Mumbai, for the simple reason that it has some negative comments about a certain political party. And the instigator of this is a history major who has not even read it, apparently some of his 'friends' came to him and told him about it. More like he needed to get into the papers so he could join his family party officially. And the Vice Chancellor actually agreed to this nonsense, but I'm not really surprised, this is Mumbai Fucking University after all.
And now after much criticism he attempts justifying this travesty as,
"We have no issues with the book being available in the market but it is being forced upon us. That is not acceptable," I cannot help wondering after reading this what is to come next, "I have no problem with Shakespeare, I just don't like it being forced upon us" or I know "I have no problem with the Constitution, but I just don't like it being forced on us"
The irony of the whole situation is that after going behind the backs of most of the students and getting the book banned a few days before the final exams, Mr. Instigator cries about there being no transparency in the selection of students allowed to attend the townhall meeting with President Obama.
On an entirely unrelated note, its sort of dark and drizzly right now, during the second week of November! Look monsoons I know you have separation issues, but this is getting ridiculous.
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