Master Fic List

Mar 02, 2013 19:03

This is going to be an updated list of all personal writing that I post onto LiveJournal.  With any luck, it will become more sophisticated as I become more LJ-savvy.

None of my work is 'M,' 'R', 'MA,' or 'NC-17' rated.  I like my family to read my stories, and I do not like violence or lemons.  If others wish to do them that's fine, but you won't find any here.

Oh, and please let me know if I messed anything up.  I hope not, but you never know... (until too late.)

Tranformers Fanfics:
Consequences of Yellow Sun
Don't Shoot!
Fantasy Character Design Fills
Ice Skating - Transformers Edition
Pretty Pretty Prowl
Runs in Threes
Siren's Call
Speedwriting Prompts - Stopped, Personification, How to Take Over the World, and Homonym Problems
Speedwriting Prompts 2 - Allergy, Inappropriate Sympathy, Unusual Fear, Attempted Dissection, Fish Don't Ride Bicycles
Speedwriting Prompts 3 - Naming, Changing History, Fore!, Tranquil Cavern, Bumblebee's Predicament; Oh, No
Speedwriting Prompts 4 - High-jacked, Planning
Speedwriting Prompts 5 - Repetition, Pincushion, Calamity Jets, Gangway!, Binary, Quote War
Speedwriting Prompts 6 - Neither Brother Nor Friend, In Strange Places, Famous Last Words/Omake 1, Omake 2
Speedwriting Prompts 7 - Gathering,
Speedwriting Prompts 8 - Girl Problems, Appropriate, Wizard, Being Nice to Mother
Speedwriting Prompts 9 - Good Business, Cruel and Unusual, Say Hello!; Unusual, but Not Cruel; Goodbye, Quality
Speedwriting Prompts 10 - Consequences, Spaceman Rocks
Speedwriting Prompts 11 - Stranded and Alone, Enough, Target Practice
Speedwriting Prompts 12 - Accidentally, Be Careful What You Wish For, Mix-Up
Speedwriting Prompts 13 - Things are not Always as They Seem, No Such Thing, Séance
Unfinished 28 Shenanigans - Daring
Unfinished 28 Shenanigans - On His Knees
Unfinished 28 Shenanigans - Drinking Energon
Unfinished 28 Shenanigans - Well Shagged
Viruses at Play

Random Fanfics:
Blossoming (Labyrinth)
Bookwyrm (Harry Potter)
Fateful Encounter (Greek Mythology)
How Jesus Christ Superstar Should Have Ended (Fairly obvious!)
Just Another Day in the Botany Lab (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Karma's Delivery (D.C. Comics and Kim Possible)
Love Means Always having to Say "I Forgive You" (X-Men)
Mercy Kill (The Hunger Games)
Quandary (Tenchi Muyo! and Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Widowed King (Avengers and Hobbit)

Inuyasha Fanfics:
Paint Attack (Inuyasha)
Poetry Dump 1 (Also Star Trek and Mercedes Lackey)
Rin, The Little Match-Girl (Inuyasha parody of "The Little Match Girl)
To Find a Thief (Inuyasha)

Original Work:
Christmas Poem
Poetry Dump 2
Poetry Dump 3
Poetry Dump 4 and Book Personification

star trek, harry potter, batman, surprise crossover, x-men, transformers, d.c. comics, inuyasha, poetry, greek mythology, tenchi muyo, j.c. superstar, kim possible, hunger games, mercedes lackey, original work, fanfiction

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