May 05, 2009 18:38
Well not really. But I came up with (I think) a really great idea that's going to work out! So my idea is this. I'm currently working as a cupcake icer at this bakery called Butter Lane in NYC which only sells cupcakes. I used to work at Crate & Barrel in Soho, NYC. Crate & Barrel happens to sell a lot of cupcake products (spatulas, cupcake serving tiers, muffin pans, cupcake cookbooks, cupcake carrying trays, etc.). My idea was that a representative from Butter Lane could go to the Crate & Barrel store and give a demonstration of how we do our icing, and use the Crate & Barrel products. At the same time, the representative would pitch the other cupcake C&B products and help sell them, also push how cupcakes are a great idea for spring, for gifts, entertainment, parties, etc. We would also give out samples of our cupcakes and our business card. I think it's such a great idea because it benefits both would help sell C&B products, and it would help get the name of our bakery out to new clients who may not have heard of us. So anyway, I told my manager at Butter Lane about it, and she thought it was great. I called my old manager at C&B, and she loves it. So we're going to do it two weeks from today when C&B is having a special wedding registry party and there will be lots of people there. I'm going to be the one organizing and leading the demonstration, so I'm really excited! I'm so glad it worked out and I think it's such a great idea, and i'm really proud that I came up with it!