Shipping Meme: Day 20

Feb 27, 2014 11:25

Day 20: Favorite couple played for laughs

I don't very often go for the comedic couples - epic and passionate is my cup of tea. There've been a small handful that have entertained me, while falling short of fannish devotion: Jim/Pam from The Office, Niles/Daphne on Frasier, Xander/Cordelia from Buffy, and Han/Leia is growing on me. But even most of those couples still have an angst quotient, which probably explains part of why I went for them. ;) Jim/Pam for the first few seasons was forbidden/somewhat unrequited; Niles/Daphne pretty much the same except for longer; Xander/Cordy split up, and Han/Leia... well, their angst doesn't really hit until the latter part of TESB/ROTJ, with Han's capture and a (too) little bit of Leia angsting over her newfound blood revelations.

But a couple I enjoyed independent of their angst quotient... while I do enjoy Han/Leia's bickering, I'm still not particularly invested in them (though I do think it pretty much heresy to ship either of them with someone else). So, the edge has to go to Xander/Cordelia. That was really the only Buffy/Angelverse canon pairing I liked for either of those characters, and I was genuinely bummed when they split. (Stupid Xander and his roaming lips.) It brought Cordy down a peg from her social high-horse, they could each give as they got in terms of bickering, they had great chemistry, and - at least on Cordy's part - there were genuine feelings there, as evinced by her secretly still wearing Xander's necklace after a temporary split. Some part of me hoped they'd find their way back to each other eventually, even if it was offscreen post-canon, but then - as Joss Whedon is wont to do - he kiboshes that notion by ultimately killing off one of them, in this case Cordelia.

Sigh. Stupid Joss.

the office, frasier, star wars, buffy, shipping

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