Calling all Padmé/Anakin (Anidala) fans!

Feb 25, 2014 14:51

The lack of activity over at the padmeanakin community may be answer enough already to this, but like Anakin says, "I am a slow learner." ;)

With padmeanakin unfortunately for all intents and purposes in mothballs, its moderator long absent/silent - I wonder, would there be any interest in a new LJ community for the ship? I've been debating on creating a community for The Moons of Iego for a while, which I'd like to be a place for all manner of P/A shipping activities (fic, art, discussion, whatnot), not just TMOI site issues. However, before I jumped in I wanted to do a quick gauge of what kind of audience/reception this idea might receive.

If you're interested, drop me a comment in this post. Thanks so much! :)

ETA: Also, for anyone who's seen the Clovis arc of the "Lost Missions" episodes (or wants to talk SW/TCW in general in a saga-friendly zone), I've set up a new forum at TMOI with spoiler and non-spoiler threads. Feel free to join in! :)

fandom, padmé/anakin, star wars, shipping

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