Mark Hamill coming to CV

Jul 14, 2010 20:43

So apparently, Luke Skywalker himself is coming to Celebration V. My first thought was "Sweet! His autograph would go great with my Carrie one!" It'd be one more Skywalker to add to my list, too (Carrie and Jake).

Until I saw the price.


MEEP. I mean, I'm not completely surprised, given that this is his first Celebration appearance. But yeah, no way I can justify spending that much on one signature without selling a kidney. I don't even know if I'd have been able to justify that much for Carrie, who I adore. I'm already probably dropping at least $100 on the CW actors (Lanter, Taber, and Taylor at least, and Eckstein if she's added) - I've got a group shot and an A/P shot I want signed.

Oh well. Hopefully at least he and Carrie and Anthony (and let's throw in Peter Mayhew too) will do a panel together... that'd be AWESOME. Wonder if Mark will get any questions about his work on Avatar? ;) (I can't believe I only just realized he was the voice of Ozai. *facepalm*)

ETA: Fuck. Just found an adorable ESB Luke/Leia pic I got at C4 that I'm now kind of kicking myself for not getting autographed by Carrie - I didn't because I figured, what the hell are the chances I'd ever get Hamill's to go with it? Yeah. So now I'm seriously debating shelling out the money for Hamill and Fisher again. I can live on ramen noodles for another month, right? ;)

So, possible autograph math, aka "How fast will Aeryn go broke at Celebration?" :
Matt Lanter (x 2) = $40.00
Catherine Taber (x 2) = $40.00
James Arnold Taylor (x 1) = $20.00
Carrie Fisher (x 1) = $50.00
Mark Hamill (x 1) = $125

c5, star wars

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