'Cause all the cool kids are doing it...

Jul 13, 2010 20:21

That "who do you write like?" meme:

Based on the opening paragraphs of my Anakin fic " Long Shadows"...

I write like
L. Frank Baum
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Sort of an embarrassing time to admit I've never read The Wizard of Oz, yes? Let's see if I get a different one with a different story...

Ugh. Based on both " Neverland" and " Opus," my beloved Anakin-Vader/Ahsoka gen works, I apparently write like... Dan Brown. Which, again, UGH. I couldn't get ten pages into The Da Vinci Code because of Brown's writing style. I consider myself way more readable than that. Trying again, with one of my Harry Potter fics, " Eclipse" (which bears NO resemblance to a certain vampire novel)...

I write like
J. K. Rowling
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Sweet! I'll take that over Dan Brown any day, and the fact that I got it for an HP fic amuses me all the more. :) On all my HP fics so far, I've landed JKR as a result, but my SW fics are apparently all over the place stylistically - Brown, Baum, Chuck Palahniuk, Nabokov, Stephen King (woohoo!). Bizarre.

ETA: HA! Even the closest thing I've written to HP porn (" Chosen") got JKR. LOL!

ETA #2: Can't seem to stop playing with this thing. Putting in samples of my more mushily romantic SW stuff, I pretty consistently end up with James Joyce. Hmm.

my fic, meme, writing

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