Why do my weekends keep escaping?

Sep 07, 2008 22:09

In addition to not picking up any signal from my modem, my MacBook is now making soft buzzing sounds whenever it's processing something - and even louder buzzing whenever I do something like, say, click on a link or drag down my scroll bar. I'm fairly certain it hasn't done this before.

Crap, don't die on me now, little guy. *coaxes* I'm having visions of a multi-hundred dollar repair bill, which I can NOT deal with right now. I'm already considering putting off snipping Oz for another month, just so I have that extra $60. Which I'm probably going to need every bit of to pay for parking when I have my jury duty stint later this month. :P (Sometime between the time my coworker finally gets back from her vacation and the start of my jury duty, I HAVE to take a break. I took a couple of sick days only a couple of weeks ago, but last week was that bad.) And my promotion/raise is on indefinite hold right now, because the state's on a hiring freeze right now. Fucking economy. So no help there.

At least I managed to complete the Psych exam I had due tonight. And I'm fairly certain I rocked the hell out of that bitch. :D As much as my math class drives me batshit insane, I love my Psych class. The first couple of weeks my brain was still just focusing on trying to get in gear, and not fall behind - this week I finally started to feel like I was really falling into a groove, and class just blazed on by. If only I could just take that class twice a week instead of taking math, that would be awesome. :P

Tonight was Mom's birthday, and she's still down in Mexico right now, so I gave her a call to wish her a happy birthday. It wound up being over an hour of her basically venting about how terrible everything is down there except for her wonderfully nice doctor - which is really the most important thing, as that's the reason she's there. Still, sucks that she's basically by herself in a totally alien country on her birthday.

And even after ten viewings, the Clone Wars series trailer still rocks the shit and puts me in a better mood, no matter whatever else is going on. I really, really enjoyed the movie, but damned if this show doesn't look even better. :D

family, school, rl, work, clone wars, computer

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