
Aug 15, 2008 02:07

Got out of Clone Wars just a few minutes ago. I really enjoyed it! :)

First things first, being the shipper I am: so, how about that A/P hologram!eyesex in the middle of Jabba's chamber? *g* God, I am so screencapping the hell out of that scene. In all seriousness, the look on his face when he first saw her, the way they were both visibly trying to hold back the true depth of their reaction to the sight of each other? All sorts of awwwww. Loved that in the end, she was the one who saved him, even half a galaxy away. And Senator, you may as well have tattooed "I ♥ ANAKIN SKYWALKER" on your forehead in that scene in Palpy's office. Judging from some of the audience snerking and chuckling here, I clearly wasn't the only one with that thought. ;) If this was her usual reaction whenever Anakin's name was brought up, I'm amazed the marriage was kept a secret, heh. Of course, I'm sure - at least I'd hope - her reaction would have been less pronounced if Anakin hadn't been in danger. ;)

Now, the movie itself. It's definitely not a usual SW movie... and yet is as well. You've got your awesomely badass 'splosiony battle scenes and lightsaber duels, you've got your goofy/cutesy droid/creature humor, you've got wide-eyed younger character/more jaded older character banter - but the central conflict is on a much smaller scale. (As expected, since it's really a TV show.) It also takes for granted that you are familiar with not only the movies, but some of the EU as well - the latter is especially true with the presence of Ventress - and doesn't offer a whole lot of exposition/backstory. (Aside from the opening, which - another significant difference - has no opening crawl, but rather an old-style newsreel-type recap of the war so far.) If you take a non-SW fan to this, you're probably going to spend a good deal of the movie explaining what's going on to them.

The animation? Fantastic. Sometimes during the space battle scenes, I forgot I was looking at animation. While the look of the characters takes a bit of getting used to, there's definitely a certain life/beauty to them, and their emotions are rendered wonderfully. And cartoon!Ani is still a cutie, even with the weird nose. ;)

After the heavy gloom of RotS, it's refreshing to get glimpses of Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme at their height, before it all really goes to hell. Anakin's character was believable for this point in time - it's still a short enough time after AotC that some of that Padawan-era petulance comes out now and then, especially in his early moments bickering with Ahsoka (and even that gets a bit of ribbing, when Ahsoka tells Anakin that the whining baby Hutt reminds her of him). But you can also see where the war - and, over the course of the film, taking on Ahsoka - has begun to mature him. You see hints of the issues/troubles that are going to bring him down later (nice touch with the Tusken echoes when Anakin cuts off Ahsoka's line of questioning on his past). I really liked the moment where he insists on going back to rescue Rex because he "promised," and the visible pain when Ahsoka makes him realize he has to call Rex and tell him he won't be able to help. The trooper brushes it off as typical line-of-duty stuff, but it's still clearly troubling to Anakin. The very trait that most dooms Anakin is also likely part of what makes him work so well with his troops - he gets attached to people, including those under his command. They're anything but disposable beings to him.

But on the other hand, the film isn't all "FUTURE SITH LORD HERE!!" about Anakin's fate either, which is nice after certain heavy-handed bits of EU.

Watching him go STAP-hopping in mid-air was BADASS. :D That whole cliff battle was awesome.

Ahsoka and her dynamic with Anakin just manage to stay on this side of being too cutesy - some of it's to be expected, as she is a teenage girl - though it wouldn't take much to cross over that line. I particularly liked a couple of her scenes - the first when he first tells her she might make it as his Padawan, the slowly emerging joyful look on her face is another "aww" moment, as is Anakin's equally cautious smile back. The second was in the monastery, when Anakin says it's the will of the Force that she's at his side, and he intends to keep her in one piece. ♥ You almost forget that this relationship - like pretty much anything connected to Anakin - is inherently doomed. I'm very curious to see how their dynamic unfolds - I think there's a lot of great potential character exploration here for Anakin - and inevitably ends.

Padme doesn't get a lot of screentime, but our resourceful Senator rocks what little time she does - though, as usual, getting into trouble by being absolutely unable to sit still; very Anakin-like. But given how personal her motivation/stakes were in this particular matter (♥), her recklessness is even less a surprise. The voice actress is just a pitch or two too high, which'll take some getting used to.

Obi-Wan - there are times I thought they were being a little too heavy-handed with Snarkmaster!Obi, but I'll reserve final judgment until I do another few viewings. :)

Ziro the Hutt... I can easily see him/her/it becoming the "Jar Jar" of this film in terms of fanboy reaction. Part of me finds the idea of a transgendering Hutt ('flaming' or 'gay' aren't really apt terms for a hermaphroditic species) who speaks lispy English weirdly amusing, but... yeah, he/she/it will take getting used to too. But even if you wind up outright loathing him, at least he's not in it very much.

In short: can't wait to see it again, and I'm really looking forward to the series, and being able to read the novel now. :)

Oh, and getting to see the HBP trailer on the big screen was pretty sweet too. :)

padmé/anakin, yay!, ahsoka, star wars, anakin, clone wars

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