
Nov 13, 2007 21:00

-- Are your boards down, a_p_, or is my Mac just being wonky? Haven't been able to access them for the past couple of days.

-- I love my German class. I wish it was two hours per week instead of one.

-- WTF, next week is Thanksgiving? Which makes it a month til Christmas? Where did the year go? At least this means my trip to Florida is that much closer. :)

-- Awesome Heroes two weeks in a row! (Although a big WTF on what happened to D.L.) Now, why couldn't we have gotten whoever keeps theorizing new ways for Peter to end up shirtless to work on the SW prequels? ;) Seriously... I think there's been one episode this season where he's had his shirt on the whole time. Loving the David Anders too; that guy's not lacking for charm, even in crazy-house duds. Still mixed on Kristen Bell's character, though this was an improvement over her first appearance. And of course yay, Petrellis! <3

-- The director of my office at work is getting promoted to a higher position. He totally deserves it, and I'm glad for him, but given my past work experience with transitioning to a new supervisor, I'm a little wary. I still see the loss of my first supervisor at my library job being the first step towards doom that job took.

-- 3-day (well, 2 now) work week this week! And next week! Woo!

-- One new Office left for the foreseeable future... not so woo. :(

heroes, the office, rl, tv, work

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