"Then the ice melts, and it's like, second drink..."

Oct 09, 2007 22:51

It's getting to be very hard to stay unspoiled for Heroes with all these new season reaction posts floating about. I'm already spoiled on a couple of little bits, like Peter and Claire being uncle and niece (evidently to the despair of many would-be shippers out there), but I'd like to keep it to that. *reorders Netflix queue to bump the rest of season 1 to the top and taps foot impatiently for the next disc to GET HERE already* I'm half-tempted to hunt down a download community, but I'm trying to be a good, patient little minion.

My DVDs of season 1 and 2 of The Office did arrive from Amazon today, so that's something of a plus, no longer having to bum my sister's DVDs if I want to snerk over "Office Olympics" or "Diversity Day" or mini-squee at the last five minutes of "Casino Night." :) And gah, Michael's S1 hair was just bad. Drunk!Pam is adorable, though. *pats icon* I've already rewatched all of season 1 and its deleted scenes, but managed to cut season 2 off after "The Dundies."

heroes, the office

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