so how are you, beesly...

Oct 08, 2007 22:42

Bleh. Four-day weekend ends tonight. I could be doing the responsible thing and going to sleep at a semi-reasonable hour so as to make the inevitable alarm clock less demonic to endure, but no, I'm probably going to stretch my 'weekend' out for every minute that I possibly can. For instance, it's almost 11:00 and I'm just now eating 'dinner.' Condensed chicken soup. Oh, yummy.

Tonight reminded me why I don't like shopping at Wal-Mart. (I usually do Target, but my class tonight got out too late to go there.) The one near me is... grody, the damn registers take forever, and frankly I don't feel that safe shopping there alone this late in the evening. What made it worse? Spending half an hour in there and forgetting the item that was the first reason I went there. So, while I now have lunch for tomorrow, I still have no damn notebook paper. D'oh! Still doing Target for that, then.

Also, those self-check registers were apparently possessed by Satan tonight. There was one person in front of me, and somehow it still took me almost 20 minutes from the time I got in line to the time I was checked out. The poor guy they had working the area had to swipe his card at least half a dozen time over the various registers in the area (including mine) while I was there, the damn things were so buggy.

No class for the next two Thursday nights - which means no waiting to watch The Office. Woot! I like the class, but I also like getting to see TO the same night it airs. ;) Speaking of class... I actually look forward to going to a class now. Go figure. Also found out tonight that the short story class that starts later this month is taught by the same lady who heads the writing class I'm in now, so now I'm thinking even more about joining up with that one. Hmm.

the office, school, rl, writing, work

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