
Oct 04, 2007 23:36

No, haven't seen tonight's Office yet. Lalalalla. *sticks fingers in ears and hums as she waits for the ep to show up online* In the meantime, I did knock out disc 1 of Heroes. Not that hard considering it's only two episodes. :P

Overall? Not quite sure what I think of it. I'm intrigued enough with the hints that have been dropped so far to continue viewing, though. Shallow observations, because I'm too tired for any other kind:

-- Big Serious Narrator Voice-overs? Do we really need another show with these? At least there weren't too many of them.
--Ooh, look at all the Foreshadowing Inter-Connectiness. Claire's daddy, that curvy symbol popping up everywhere, Mica's comic book having the same picture as Hiro's screensaver, Hiro's buddy looking at Niki!porn, Suresh being Peter's cabbie. And so on.
-- Since the focus has been more on moving the action forward, there hasn't been much of a chance to get invested in the various characters yet. Except possibly the overly-cutely-named Hiro, who himself is also almost overly-cute. But in a charming sort of way. I'm kind of vaguely irritated by Suresh and by the emo-ness of Peter. Since I'm only two episodes in, I'm willing to grant more time for improvement.
-- No real eye candy yet. Or maybe I'm just picky.
--There are almost TOO many characters. Gotta be some thinning of the herd in the near future.
--I'm assuming the relevance of the solar eclipse will also be explained at a future date, seeing as it's, well the LOGO for the show and all.
--Why, WHY, do innocent characters who show up at an obvious murder scene ALWAYS PICK UP THE MURDER WEAPON? Aside from the gimmick to get the character OMGFRAMED!, that is.
-- I guess the writers didn't think we were clear enough on Claire's awesome regenerative powers, because otherwise, why would she NOT JUST TURN OFF the frigging garbage disposal? *shrug* Also, the way the show was edited made it look like she just walked off and left her spattered blood on the floor. Eww. Well, except for Mr. Muggles, I guess.
-- So that's where InvisibleMarcie went. Don't trust her, Eric!... er, Matt.
-- Sylar likes to steal brains. I'm guessing it's not to re-enact the dinner scene from Temple of Doom.
-- So Niki's superpower is... being schizo? Yes, again, I'm sure all will be revealed in time.
-- Peter seems to have some of Heroin Guy's precog skills? Hmm.

Yeah, I'm being snarky a lot here. But overall... yeah, I'll keep watching. :)

I start a four-day weekend tomorrow. Just because I felt like taking the time off. Wooot!

heroes, the office, tv, work

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