Well, I met my new supervisor this morning and got a tour of the building i'll be working in and got a little bit of a run down on what my job is going to be. I'm trying to stay positive about this whole thing, I really am. But I'm starting to fail and it doesn't help that the crying has set in. But let's start at the beginning.
I went to the KMFRC at 8:30. Met Janet and we had a little sit down. I will be in her unit and I will primarily be working reception. In fact, it looks like that is the only thing I am going to be doing for now. They have chairs in the area because several people expressed concerns in the past and one guy on the team actually has a deformity of some kind or possilby cerebral palsy (i didn't ask) and walks with a pronounced limp. So, yes there are chairs but you are in and out of them so often it is basically like spending 8 hours on your feet running around. This concerns me because of the injury I sustained in November that still hasn't healed. Don't give me crap about it, I know I need to go to the doctor. I can't right now. Maybe Mid-February.
Janet gave me the lay of the land and it is one huge maze. I met a bunch of people, some of whom made enough of an impression to stick in my head. Everyone was really friendly and welcoming and happy that I am coming over there. Apparently they are "severely" understaffed as apposed to just understaffed. They were having a potluck this morning and insisted I join in so that was nice. But I have to say that spam is disgusting.
They let me sit in the reception area for a little while to get an idea of what I'll be doing. From what I observed a trained monkey can do it. No offense Lei if that is what you do at your FRC but you know what I mean. Person comes up, you check to see if they have an appointment, take any paperwork that they give you and give it to the intake guy. Rinse, Repeat. Trained Monkey! I'm going to be so fucking bored.
But, this is just the for now. There could be positives in there. The office is moving to a brand new building in March. The Mission Valley FRC is closing down and some of the people there are coming to the new building to join our staff in April. This means that I run the chance of working with the guy I used to work with again. Joy! In all honesty, he isn't a bad guy just kind of a douche when I had to work with him. We have still talked a bit since he left and he is much more tolerable then.
Hell, let's just break this down in bullets.
+Learning opportunity for a new skill set
-Trained Monkey can do the skill set and I'm gonna be bored
+Moving to new building in March. Yay no 50 year old bathrooms!
-Will have a desk but it is basically there for locking up my purse, won't actually work at it.
-Will be on my feet most of the day, potentially aggrivating my foot injury.
+Will be on my feet most of the day, encouraging weight loss due to increased movement
+/- Apparently the office has A LOT of potlucks. Good for the comradery, bad for the weight
+Lots of room for promotion in an FRC. Or so I have been several dozen times.
So, it comes out about even. We'll see how it actually goes. Friday I won't be doing jack but observing. I was already told I won't start training til Monday. Great. Anyone who has ever worked with me knows that is NOT a good idea. I learn by doing not observing. Let me get in there right away don't make me watch.
When I got back from the meeting there was an all staff meeting. During employee recognitions, I recieved a shout out from my boss and I lost it right there. Then someone else gave me a shout out, more tears. Tomorrow during my farewell potluck, I'm screwed. There are already jokes about how kleenex needs to be included in the paper products. It's funny cause it's true.
It would be one thing if I was leaving because I was promoted or because I wanted to go. But I don't want to go, my bosses don't want me to go and my fellow staff doesn't want me to go. None of us had any choice in the matter. It was go or be jobless. I'm happy here. I have a family here. I had planned on spending the rest of my career here. IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!! But I have to suck it up and put on a happy face. At least there is some comfort in knowing I'm not the only one having to fake it right now.