So, my brother said to me this weekend...

Jan 26, 2009 08:52

"Kris, what's with all the changing? I mean I'm proud of you but what's up?"

I hadn't really though about it until that point but I am making more conscious decisions to change.  First it started with working out twice a week.  (Which totally doesn't feel like enough at this point plus I need some more equipment).  Then I started doing this thing where I spend the money that I want/need to spend and then I pretend like I have no more money after that.  It has been working.  I have been tricking myself into thinking I am more broke than I am in an effort to save.  Granted, the last two weeks I really was uber broke but I think that helped reenforce the habit.

Thirdly, I'm making more conscious eating decisions.  I end up spending more than I want because things like ground turkey and fat free yogurt are more expensive than hamburger and chips.  Reduced fat cheese is more expensive than regular cheese.  and the biggest kicker, stuff you have to cook adds up to being more than convenience foods.

Example: Last night for dinner I had Chicken in red chile, Nonnie rice (which is rice with tomatoes, cilantro, garlic, onions and cooked in beef broth) beans and a little bit of salsa.  throw in the two corn tortillas and tiny bit of cheese that I used to make the chicken into tacos.  Take that into the comparison of the $.99 frozen pizza I was eating for dinner last week.  the plus side is that it is not only healthier but will last for several meals.

I need to work out more.  And to start keeping a food journal.  I feel like I am off to a good start but I need to do more.  I need to find a scale that can actually got up to my weight.  Normal, non-electronic scales top out around 300 or so, I still have a bit to go before I am under that again.  It would be nice to see if I am actually losing any weight.  I know that I'm certainly feeling better.  Usually in the mornings I have to drag myself out of bed and then cat nap for 20 minutes after I get ready before I go to work.  Today, I hoped right out and ended up watching the President talk about his Energy Plan instead of napping.

This morning I didn't want a cigarette on my way to work.  I ended up having one anyway because the compulsion to keep my routine is still pretty strong with that one but I didn't have the need for one and actually argued with myself over it.  My morning cup of coffee is totally making me sick and I'm dying for a glass of juice.  I'll settle for water but can't wait to get home and have some cranberry juice.  Turns out I like the light version just as much as I like the regular version.

OK, enough rambling about food.  I told Lizzy, Phil and Jess that I need them to help me watch it because if I get too obsessed I can run the risk of giving myself and eating disorder. But I think I am doing OK so far.
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