I Must Stop Getting So Attached To My TV Shows...

Jan 15, 2011 20:25

So, yes, been barreling through Primeval with my younger sisters just as fast as I can. Watched the season 4 premiere tonight and was just heartbroken. Logically, I know that in all likelihood, they couldn't get the actors back, but I still feel a bit like crying when I realize Sarah's dead and Danny's...gone. Ship after ship, character after character, just keep evaporating on this show and it's sad. I love Connor and Abby and I love them as a couple, but I'd fallen madly in love with Danny/Sarah. I'm really hoping they'll actually be back...or cameo, or something, but I'm sure they're permanently gone. On the plus side, though, we got some good scenes out of it (the hugs were soo, soo adorable!!). Also, angsty fanfiction can now be written. Plus, they've got a a fantastic set-up for the rest of the season. So, Primeval, I haven't forgiven you yet, but keep it up, and we may be talking by the end of the season! ;)

primeval, spoilers

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