Hawaii Five-O 1x01

Sep 20, 2010 22:47

So the series premiere of Hawaii Five-O that I've been looking forward to all summer is finally here. It did not disappoint! Usually I don't care much for pilots, but I enjoyed this ep. From a character standpoint, it seems very promising. (I also think that I'll enjoy the cases of the week and the overarching storyline, but that's a little more difficult to tell from this ep. And, honestly, I care more about the characters than I do storylines on most of my shows.)

I already love Danno. I love his snarkiness and the way he doesn't just let him Steve bulldoze over him. Danno coming back with that punch after Steve twisted his arm cracked me up. I also am a sucker for the single dad/slight witch of an ex-wife storyline, so I'm quite interested in that. I felt bad for him when I realized he didn't give his daughter the bunny he bought her, because her step-dad had already bought her a live one. It was both heart-breaking and sweet when he gave it away to the little girl. It was also cute seeing him interact with Grace when he picked her up in the beginning.

Danno's my fave, but I do also like Steve. I love him buying the tickets for Danno to spend the weekend with Grace at the hotel. *wants to write Steve-babysitting-Grace fic now* I also like him coming to his senses and apologizing. The scene where he didn't push about the meaning of Danno and just gave him space was a nice touch. I think I am going to like their friendship.

Chin Ho has been developed much yet, but I do love his relationship with his cousin. I hope they maintain that throughout the series. I always enjoy a good sibling relationship, but I'll settle for a good cousin relationship. (OT: Still hoping Steve's rumored sis pops up, though!) I liked the faith he had in her, as well as Danno's determination to get her out.

They boys were right; Kona is good. I was afraid I might not like her (Tough!Girl can be so stereotypical/badly handled in film and tv sometimes.), but I found her quite a likeable character. She handled her undercover stint expertly and I love that she and Chin Ho seem to have a good relationship.

Lastly, I enjoy them as a unit. That team scene at the end was lovely.

The Verdict: The show delivered. I'd seen and liked most of the best scenes in preview clips already, so perhaps next week will be more telling of the overall feel and quality of the show, but so far? I like it. It's most likely got a season pass. Well, as much of one as I can guarantee with my job/time/tv availability so up in the air these days. ::sigh::

The Prediction: I'm really hoping that the third time's the charm for Alex O and I like it, so I could be a bit biased, but I'm predicting this will be a hit.

review, fall 2010 tv, tv, hawaii five-o

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