Stoked About Fall 2010 TV: Returning Shows

Aug 30, 2010 20:47

I watch so much TV. It's kind of ridiculous. :P

STOKED ABOUT FALL TV 2010: Returning Shows

First up, my favorite network, CBS:

NCIS (Season Eight)
     Where We Left Off: We left off with Paloma Reynosa about to kill Jackson Gibbs. And Gibbs fraternizing with M. Allison Hart, thereby missing Ziva's citizenship ceremony! Tony, sent by Vance, was on a mission in Mexico, causing him to also miss Ziva's ceremony. Boo!
     What I'm Looking Forward To: Jackson NOT dieing! (I hope!) The fall-out to missing Ziva's ceremony. (I hope they mention this. Ziva saved them seats and everything!) Spoilers say Abby may have a big storyline coming up, which I'm certainly excited about. Rumor also has it we'll see DiNozzo Sr again, as well as Eli David. Family/father storylines tend to bring out the Papa Bear in Gibbs, and, in Ziva's case, may help bring resolution to her story arc.
     High Hopes: Brian Dietzen added as season regular! (Highly unlikely, but a girl can hope.) A re-do of the credits. They didn't change at all last season and I was disappointed. I hope it's a good season on the team front, over all. And I certainly wouldn't complain if there were a few ship hints. :-D

NCIS:LA (Season Two)
     Where We Left Off: Callen has a sister! No, he doesn't! Yes, he does! No, he doesn't. But he might have a living parent! Yeah, the season finale was something of a roller-coaster.
     What I'm Looking Forward To: The two hour season premiere. The addition of Nell, who, according to Aussiello, will be "an incredibly bright, somewhat quirky, and extremely chatty intelligence analyst who’ll be assisting Eric (Barrett Foa) in the OPS center." Sounds cool to me! I'm also excited, because it sounds like we'll get a teammate-in-danger ep on Tuesday, September 21, when it comes back.
     High Hopes: That the addition of Deeks as series regular will not destroy the amazingness that is Sam-Callen-Kensi. Furthermore, I hope his presence doesn't completely obliterate the Kensi/Nate ship, which is the lesser-loved cousin to the more-popular ship Callen/Kensi. I love 'em both and selfishly want to see both ships shine. Yes, I'm greedy that way.

Mentalist (Season Three)
     Where We Left Off: Kristina Fry had disappeared (good riddance, says I, generously. :P). Jane is sad, but he's also hiding something about his encounter with Red John from Lisbon. Grace and Rigsby have broken up. Rigsby's pretty sore about it.
     What I'm Looking Forward To: I really haven't seen a ton of spoilers for this, so I'll just say: I've been catching up on season one eps (didn't get into the show until the season was almost half-over) and I've been falling in love with the show all over again. I can't wait to see what they bring us in season three!
     High Hopes: Now that Grace and Rigsby aren't an item (*sniff*), I hope Grace gets a chance to develop her friendships with the other people on the team--specifically Lisbon and Cho. Cho's my favorite and he's had some good moments with her. I hope we see them out together in the field more. Perhaps even undercover? I know Lisbon's not a buddy sort of boss, but I would love to see more of her and Grace's relationship. I especially have loved the moments where you can see her developing a great respect for Grace and sort of setting her loose.

Now, NBC:

Parenthood (Season Two)

Where We Left Off: Peace--for now--is restored in the Braverman clan. The Sarah Braveman family is again speaking to Adam Braveman family after the Steve debacle. Zeek and Camille have made up, for all appearances. Drew has tried out for the baseball team, with the whole family standing by, cheering loudly.
      What I'm Looking Forward To: Another great season of Parenthood!
      High Hopes: More Drew and Joel, please! I want some more good storylines for them. I hope I don't regret that wish. They're two of my favorites and in such a large ensemble, they get a little shafted. I also want Adam (my absolute favorite!!) to go on being his totally cool, sweet, loving, dad/father figure, supportive husband, amazing big brother self. There's some rumors floating around that Joel and Julia might get pregnant. I really hope so! I think this would be an interesting storyline. Who'd be pushing for a child? Joel, who's the primary caregiver? Or Julia, who loves Sidney, but barely gets to spend any time with her? They might both mutually arrive at the desire to have kids, but I think they'd still have to address these issues. I think it'd be very interesting to see a pregnant Julia. How does she manage her hectic schedule around pregnancy? Was she in a different place (emotionally or in her professional life) when she had Sidney? Yes, I've given this quite a bit of thought. :P Also, we've not seen one of the family go through a pregnancy and the arrival of a new nice/nephew (unless you count Jabbar). Another high hope I have is that Sarah coming to work for Adam and her workplace romances/dramas don't strain their friendship or cause him trouble at work.


Bones (Season Six)

Where We Left Off: Everyone left, leaving Cam and Sweets alone (well, with a few assorted intern squints, I suppose).
      What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm unsure if the plot of them coming back to save Cam's job makes me want to roll my eyes or not. Cam's so amazing that I hate that she has to ask for their help to save her job. And it seems a silly reason to come back. Booth's in the military now. Can he really say "I'm sorry, but I gotta go. My ex-girlfriend may lose her job and I have to help. good luck fighting those insurgents!"? That may not turn out to be the reason they come back early, but I thought I saw it somewhere. I do, however, enjoy a good teammate in danger ep, and even if this is a teammate's job in danger, it's close. Anyway, I am quite interested in seeing the fall out from the finale. All these people left. Who's going to react badly to the reunion?
      High Hopes: My biggest hope is that Cam and Sweets--abandoned by everyone else--kept in touch, having coffee or drinks, or whatever. I'm going to be kind of annoyed if the premiere is the first time they've seen each other in seven months. My second biggest hope is that Hodgins and Angela are pregnant. I am annoyed by them getting back together, but I think a pregnancy plot would be fun. Hodgins would be such a nervous father-to-be! I think Angela would be very excited, but a bit...calm about it, if that makes sense. And everyone would so pamper her! Sweets would offer child-rearing psychological advice (most of which Hodgins would solicit). Booth would undoubtedly have some good advice to offer (although I'm not sure how much Rebecca allowed him around during the pregnancy; I kind of think they broke up when he found out, just based on him saying she didn't want to marry him, but anyway). Brennan would throw in her own sage (or so she'd consider it) advice about raising a child from an anthropological view. Even Cam and Caroline would probably get in on the fun. And if they bring Zack back for a guest appearance (please!!), it should definitely be after they know, so that Hodgins can tell him. It'd be such a sweet scene. *sigh* I really want this pregnancy to happen. My third biggest wish is that Sweets and Daisy don't get back together. They were a sweet couple (if you doubt that, just watch the scene where he "fires" her *melts*), but Daisy completely bulldozed over him in the season finale. She didn't care at all what he thought. It's an understandable desire to go on this career-making dig, but she pretty much tells him this is how it's going to be and brushes off his concern. Sweets deserves way better that that.

And UK Imports:

Merlin (Season Three) [SyFy Channel, although I think they are a season behind the UK]

Where We Left Off: Missing (Evil!!) Morgana. Heartbroken and guilty Merlin. Fortune Cookie Dragon, after going on a killing spree, was set free by Merlin. Gwen and Arthur hug in relief (out in the open!) when he returns from "slaying" the dragon.
      What I'm Looking Forward To: Arthur with Donkey ears!!! Gwen's scream/encounter with ... skeletons? Arthur's rescue of Morgana. Uther hugging Arthur. And is that a Morgana/Merlin magic showdown I spy? Yes, if you have not seen the season three trailer, I highly recommend you do. it looks like it will be an angsty season. Handled well, I enjoy some angst. *huggles Arthur and Merlin, and Gwen, for good measure*
      High Hopes: Hmm... The season looks so amazing! I hope it doesn't disappoint! I want to see more of Merlin's and Arthur's friendship. I want more good Arthur/Gwen. I hope Gwen gets some good scenes/episodes of her own. And I even hope Evil!Morgana gets some good moments. The possibilities are endless and I can't wait! And...I kind of hope this is the season Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic.

Inspector Lewis (Season Four) [PBS]
      Where We Left Off: Lewis found out who killed his wife. Other than that, I don't think this show is too cumulative.
      What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm relatively new and I haven't seen any spoilers (other than Hathaway getting a love interest), so I'm just looking forward to a good season.
      High Hopes: Can we please have have a Hathaway in danger ep with Lewis worrying about and fussing over him? Please? Also a good love interest for Hathaway! And for Chief Superintendent Innocent to go on being amazing.

Well, there you go. What are you most looking forward to in the Fall 2010 TV Season?

fall 2010 tv, ncis, ncis:la, inspector lewis, parenthood, bones, spoilers, tv, merlin, mentalist

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