Title: Pride
Music: Pride by Syntax
Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (Fox)
Characters/Ship: Abbie Mills/Ichabod Crane
Spoilers: Pilot only.
Summary: "I think this is where I am supposed to be."
Warnings: flashing images, violence
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Notes: this show totally knows its tropes and I love itttttttt. :D abbie and ichabod are such great characters and they make wonderfully cute eyes at each other. a+ and would ship again! ichabod has such a great jlm!sherlock vibe happening, i can't even explain it. i guess it comes down to a hero doesn't have to be a huge jerk and can still be super cool. abbie mills is shaping up to be a great ~big damn hero~ and hopefully we'll see her sister (!!!) soon too. I REALLY HOPE THIS SHOW DOESN'T GET CANCELLED LOL.