is it the weekend already? ]
[music| crickets mocking me ]
Work is still boring. I'm actually kind of glad that it's easy and boring, as opposed to difficult and boring, because this way I can devote 10 % of my brain to assembling parts of blinds and the rest to listening to audiobooks. I have a heap of Agatha Christie and Pratchett. Christie books usually take me about 2 hours to read, this way I can draw them out to 6 hours.
I'm also glad for the refractory period between driving to work and driving home that working grants me. Driving with Papa sitting next to me makes me alternately homicidal and nervous.
In completey unrelated news, last Friday when Luki and I went out, about five icky men hit on me in on me in a disgusting way. Usually this only happens to the boy. Why is this and how do I make it stop?! Possibly it was caused by wearing a stomach-baring instead of a breast-baring t-shirt. I think I'll go back to showing cleavage.
Things that I find unfair: The weather will continue to be absolutely fucking brilliant this week, except during the weekend.