Much has change since 30 years...

Nov 30, 2008 00:49

Today I watched the first part of the Astrid Lindgren (the author of Pippi Longstocking, you know) movie "Du är inte klok Madicken" (roughly: "You're crazy Madicken") since I felt nostaglic and wanted to re-watch all the old Astrid Lindgren's movies I watched (and of course read the books) as a child. I got a bad feeling, though, and realized how ( Read more... )

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mmymoon November 30 2008, 01:05:37 UTC
The US has always been more conservative than Europe, but that's happened here, too... particularly since my family has generally been free-spirited/okay with their bodies, etc. My mom was definitely a 1970s "hippie."

There are lots of pictures of me and my older siblings naked as children, and no one thought anything about it. Now everyone is worried... I had to take down pictures of my baby brother I had stored in my own private website, because he was not wearing pants. (He was an infant! You couldn't even see anything! But child services somehow found it and said I would be in trouble if I left them up. O_o)

It is difficult to express any opinion, because like you worried about, people will just say "DO YOU WANT PEDOPHILES TO SEE THEM?"

In all honesty, I think children are more harmed by society's obsession with nudity meaning SEX than they are by having their pictures seen. (Everyone freaks out, but pedophiles looking at naked pictures, as gross as it is, is not really the same as them coming to stalk/hurt children.) I think having a society teach them that their bodies are so shameful and taboo, even for innocent babies, is way more harmful for everyone.

I think it contributes greatly to girls (and boys) feeling bad about their bodies... the only bodies they ever see naked are celebrities and "perfect" porn stars, they ever see what real normal people look like naked. I think this same cultural silliness definitely contributes to women not wanting to breastfeed... unfortunately, I think it's the majority of women in the US. Even if they do end up breastfeeding, most women still can't quite get past the idea that breasts are sexual. I REALLY hate that... and it's taboo to even talk about these things sometimes. I get in a lot of "trouble" socially for not wearing a bra, or even talking about my health problems! (I had my ovaries and uterus taken out... that isn't even something you can see! How is that sexual?!)

Women sometimes get kicked out of places here if they try to breastfeed, even without showing any breast! Ugh, I hate it so much. I do think the US/prude-ish culture is winning, and spreading to places that wouldn't have even thought about it, now. :/

(I don't even want to call it conservative, because the real conservative minority religion groups, like Amish or Quakers or Mennonites, who dress very modestly and plainly, don't have a problem with breasts or naked children! They know it's natural! It's the stupid weird prude-ish culture that does. I guess it's due to all the media, but... ugh.)

The Pippi films were my favorites growing up... I wonder if the other Astrid Lindgren movies have been translated into English. XD


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