Jul 28, 2007 22:34
Dad starts work at bowing monday, now we will have insurance med, dental, life Im verry happy about that. meaning now i can start doing sports again. the one sport im looking forword to most is soccer i cant wait till it starts. i have been playing soccer almost all my life started when i was about 8 and played for four years on a team. Then we bought the shop and didnt have insurance any more so i just played for fun and in school P.E classes, but now that we have insurance i can play on a team again. well the school team but a team non the less. though our school sports suck! i will just be happy to play again. although that dose mean that i will have less free time. sorry to all that i see on a regular bases that also means ill be spending more time at home. hopfally this will also help me keep a better schedual get all my HW done instead of blowing it off spending time with friends. I know that playing soccer and doing track will also keep me from being depressed, playing sports is the one thing that i have always loved to do and it always keeps me in a good mood. I am very pleased that i will be able to do the one thing i have a grate passion for plus i will get back in to shape. the down side to my dad working at bowing is that he is planing to work from 3 till midnight witch will make it so that i will never get to see him and that is going to be the hardst part for me. i dont think he gets that sigh oh well it is hard for both of us to express how we feel to eachother I do love him verry much but i can never tell him nor show him we are both that way i am happy to that he found a job but i will miss seeing and hearing his voice. But yay i get to do sports and have cheeck ups havent had one since 5th grade and im in 11th grade. I also can go to the dentest get some help with my gums havent been to the dentist since 3rd grade and my teath are fine ive had my friends mom look at them she is a dentist I am happy to be able to finaly start a real healthy life. with cheeck ups and every thing. smiles!!!!
P.S Yay soccer and sports
new job,