Whilst laundering, blog!

Nov 11, 2006 19:43

Have just realized that we are a third (okay, a third was yesterday bear with me), of the way through November and my nanowrimo novel consists of a page at most as opposed to 50 some odd pages, I have a 18.100B test I need to pass next Thurs, my 8.012 pset is due on Monday and the new 5.112 pset is going to kick me till I'm black and blue. On the brightside, my mum is amazing. Seeing how she has just bought me 300+ knitting needles off of ebay for under 10 bucks.
I love you mommy.
Now I can teach my Splash Knitting class! Now if only more people would signup for my Number Theory class. T_T
I should go back and immerse/punt myself in my psets or go to Patrol, which I haven't gone to in ages. Hmmm, choices.

school, psets, splash, mit

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