"Is it possible to commit suicide using a massless rope and a frictionless pulley?
What would the velocity of the victim just before the rope stopped moving?"
Actually conversation at 12:30AM this morning In front of my pre-frosh and the girl still wants to go to MIT.
So, what have I been up to since last time.....Ramadan came and went for which I extremely thankful. It twas
both exhausting and hellish and infomative. It's mainly said "DON'T PROCRASINATE BAKA!!!!!!!!!" My parents came up for parents weekend! I hadn't seen them for four months!
I was actually starting to miss my Dad 0_0. And they brought up my nice new shiny dual monitor system with Altec Lansing speakers. Tis' very sweet and now I won't see them till after finals.T_T
Oh yeah, I also bombed my 5.112 and 8.012 tests last week. And I had two psets due yesterday along with a investigative essay, so I pulled an allnighter and still hadn't finished my 5.112 pset and essay for my HASS class is utter crap even for my absymal writing skills. The bright spot of yesterday--my pre-frosh arrived!!!! (Okay, she's not really a pre-frosh. She's a prospective student staying for an overnight visit, but we just call'em pre-frosh =p)
She was really sweet and made me two pairs of earrings as a present(her hobby is jewelry making) and was an all-around trooper when I took her down and up dorm row,
And then some friends came back with me and they in my room till 1ish AM. That was actually the first I actually had people for an extended period of time in my room that weren't my parents.
Yes, I know very sad.
Then I made my pre-frosh pancakes for breakfast this morning. I took my pre-frosh around campus some more and then my pre-frosh had to leave. T_T
So, I went to MIT Lit Society meeting, in which we wondered how such a distinguish looking *male* author write *pron* such intimate scenes.
Then ranted to Andrew about why Daylight Savings ending sucks. It's dark at 5:30 PM, that's just wrong. I'm already sleep deprived and when it gets dark I wanna sleep, but it's like 6. T_T <-----(I'm aware I over using these).
On the brightside I finally talked to a friend from back home last weekend on the phone which was nice. I haven't heard from people back home at all recently(mind you I probably should email them, if I want to hear from them, baby steps, baby steps people).
'Kay that's it I need sleep or do my pset 8.012 pset *pouts*
I am so seeing this with my sister when it comes out: