Jul 20, 2004 11:48
Sooooooooooo many things happened to me yesterday, and it basically started with the end of my daily visit to Netopia.
I was about to leave Netopia. It was almost time for school. Naturally, I always look for my wallet first. Guess what. NO WALLET. I had lost it on the way to school. It still had about 500 pesos plus loose change in it. Dammit. I had to borrow money from people just to get home.
Then on the way home, I, as usual, looked for a jeep that would go to Vito Cruz. I saw one. I rode in it. When the jeep passed Quiapo, the driver started calling "Mabini! Mabini!" Shit. This was not going to pass Taft, where I should be going. It was going the long way around, behind the University Mall. I WAS ON THE WRONG JEEP. The driver was nice enough to help me out. They usually are, bless them. He told me to get off at Harrison, and then take a jeep that was going rightwards. (You probably can't imagine which way I'm going, but I'll just say the directions anyway.) I had no idea what to do. Luckily enough, there was a man who helped me find my way. Eventually I was able to get home. That was pretty much the end of the adventure.
I knew that taking the loss of my wallet as a sign was serious. Lately I've been taking things to be signs. Like once, I was climbing on to a jeep, but the step was pretty high and was wet because it was raining. I basically was not able to get on to the step properly. My knee went up before my foot, so I had a wet, dirty knee. When I got home, my bill from Smart came, and I found out that my internet usage on it was up to 1,121 pesos. Naturally I got scolded for that. I took my tripping on the jeep as a sign, and sure enough something bad happened before the day ended. It's been that way for a really long time. Weird.
Luv, Peace, Wenham and Boyd,
unfortunate events,