FIC: Anytime, Anyplace (Centon, rated R; one-shot)

Mar 15, 2011 16:33

Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: Anytime, Anyplace
Pairing: Centon
Rating: Rated R.
Summary: When vipers get hungry, they go hunting, and they don't stop until they get what they want. Sequel to "Where The Heart Is."
Author's Notes: I said I'd wait until I got enough people asking me for the smut continuation, but I couldn't wait any longer, I woke up at 4am with the muses banging away, and I just HAD to make this. Enjoy, fellow pervs.
Dedication: angrbooa, who my heart will always want and need and love; my enablers, The Ficcers' Convention: killaqueen, ohh_honeybee and imyourheaven; my cyber-adoptive sister glenvorian; my John-John, xtremesage; all my fellow Centon shippers.
X-posted to: marcianafics, cenaortonmylove and lady_tavington

( Couldn't keep away long, could you? )

Love Lots And God Bless!

fics, ficzes, centon, john cena, randy orton

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