Just got out of HBP, and if you can't tell yet, I absolutely freakin' loved it. I took notes on my cellphone (thanks for the idea,
rotae!), despite it being my first watching, but then I'm rather adept at texting without looking at my phone, so I didn't miss very much. Hah. Let's get right on to what looks like might be a spoilery review!
First of all, I apologize for the lj-cut title. I only meant to say that there were so many moments in this movie that made my (and
hibimaosuki's) heart ghei-dar go WHOOOOOOAMG. Like I said, nice going, Steve Kloves.
And now on to the actual review. This is gonna come in bits and pieces, much like
rotae's review, because that's how I took notes. Events are more or less chronological.
OPENING SHOT R KEWL. - I loved how the opening was a shot of the photogs taking pics of Dumbledore and Harry. I'm not sure anyone else thought it signficant that Dumbledore squeezes Harry's shoulder. It kind of signified, for those who only watch the movies but don't read the books and therefore don't know what's gonna happen, the direction that this movie is going to take in terms of the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore.
HOMAHGAWD, THAR GOES D BRIDGE. - The bridge-breaking scene was pretty durn cool, and the fact that it was kind of happening at the same time that Olivander was being kidnapped (wonder if that WAS John Hurt under that sack? Probably not?) was pretty good, especially for those who haven't read the books. It gave the Death Eaters more weight as menaces.
POTTER U SLUT. - I'm sorry, but I LOVE how Harry tried to ask out a woman who looked a few years older than her. Srsleh.
hibimaosuki said to me, "Play 'Find The Scar.' I said, 'It seems to have gone on vacation.'"
KNITTING MAGAZINE FTW. - That was just made of sooooooo much win. Especially since the woman on the cover looked a lot like Jo Rowling, XD.
BRO HUG FTW. - So Harry goes around hugging Ginny and Hermione, and here comes Ron, and they totally have a BRO-HUG, but without a handshake or a clap or whatev. Much love.
SPINNER'S END! SPINNER'S END! - I was sooooooo glad to have first found out, ages ago, that this scene was in there. And it did NOT disappoint, it was soooooo well done. The actors in it were so freakin' awesome. I love the tears in Narcissa's eyes. And I love how Alan Rickman's Snape, in that scene, was exactly the Snape I'd imagined when I first read that chapter.
OMG I SHIP BELLA/SNAPE. - HBC and Alan Rickman are to blame. OMGOMGOMG.
W.W.W. SCENE! - Short but so cute. "5 Galleons." "I'm your brother." "10 Galleons." PS - One of the Phelps twins is the better actor, but I follow them both on Twitter, so I won't specify. PS - OMG DUN TELL THEM I SAID THAT.
"Do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" - They gave Ron so many of the good lines this time around. Much yayness.
rotae was soooooooo right about this. He's got beautiful hands, Tom Felton. Just...guh. What those long fingers could do to a woman...Ahem, where were we?
LUNA FTW. - Luna handing out Quibblers on the train! OMG WIN.
"Creepy shop, he's a creepy bloke." - RON FTW.
GRATUITOUS DAN ASS-SHOT. - I'm talking, of course, of that shot where he takes the Invisibility Cloak and hides it behind himself. 2 seconds of unobstructed (albeit denimmed) Dan ass. HELL YES. David Yates, you clever little minx.
"I'd rather pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower..." - HAH.
DRACO CARRIAGE SCENE = HAWT AND KEWL AT THE SAME TIME. - I effing LOVED this scene. I love Draco's lines about Harry's mum. That was too kewl. And hello, the look on Harry's face while Draco is standing above him. Interesting vantage point for that shot, really.
OMG SNAKEY. "NICE FACE, POTTER." - Made of sooooo much win. I got my 2 seconds of Lucius AND his snake cane. HUZZAH! Plus, insult win.
GINNY/HARRY IS EXCEPTIONALLY CHEEZY. - Though I love that they do ultimately get together, I thought they overdid it in this movie, especially with the kiss not being as epic as I thought it would be, unlike in the book.
YAY POTIONS. - "And...spearmint toothpaste." WIN LINE. I'm soooooo glad they put that there. I liked Emma's acting in this part. Actually, I generally liked Emma in this entire movie. Her acting has definitely improved since the last movie. So has Dan's, but Dan's more than Emma's. Dan now does a lot more subtle stuff, like, he's gotten better at making small reactions with his face and eyes.
BOOK FIGHT FTW. - That was soooooooo hilarious. And Harry smacking Ron? XD Win. Bromance, I'm tellin' ya.
HERMIONE'S HAIR FTW. - I loooooooooooooved it. It got bushier and bushier, just like the book said it did, and everyone, except Harry, looked a shambles, even Draco. Nyaha. The bushy hair actually suited Emma, XD.
"Harry, I see you got my message..." - "Yes, professor, lucky the signal was so clear in the dorms. But how in the world did you even get my cellphone number?" If you didn't laugh at that, it's perfectly okay. Me and my sister have a weird sense of humor. A lot of things we say are funny only to us.
HERO FIENNES IS SO WIN. - OMG that boy was so adorable. And I really love how he had a small smile when the cabinet burst into flame. I actually liked that better than him panicking that the cabinet was on fire.
OOOOH, DRACO BB, Y U SO HAWT. - I don't quite remember why I said this...was it the apple scene? I think so. But yes, OMG, he so hawt.
"The binding is fragile."
"I can remember when it was just One Broomstick - All hands on deck, Granger!" - Slughorn is epic. Jim Broadbent ftw.
DRUNK HERMIONE IS DRUNK. - This movie deserves the PG-13 rating it got here in the Philippines. Not even halfway into the movie and already we have underage drunkenness.
NECKLACE SCENE IS WIN. - It did give me shivers. And the necklace looks EXACTLY, and I mean EXACTLY, like I thought it would. Amazing.
SNAPE IS STILL SO MUCH WIN. - Though what was with the line, "It must be so cool to be The Chosen One," or something to that effect because Snape wouldn't actually say "cool", I will never know.
THIS IS A SKIN MOVIE. - "She has nice skin, don't you think?" "Hermione's got nice skin too." So, in the Potter universe, when someone is attractive, it's because they have nice skin. So when someone in the Potter universe tells you that you have nice skin, be flattered.
SLUGHORN'S EPIC EYEBROW FTW. - Jim Broadbent and his epic Slughorn Eyebrow. Tooooo much funny-win.
CORMAC'S FINGER PORN, WTF. - I thought this was a PG-13 CHILDREN'S movie. WTF is with the finger and the licking and the bedroom eyes? XDDDDD
"YOUR...HOURGLASS." - Why I found it funny that Harry was "just admiring your...hourglass," I will never know.
YAY QUIDDITCH GAME TIME. - Awesome shots of Ron as he enters the Great Hall.
LUNA'S LION HAT FTW. - I love how its eyes were moving as well. Like when she asked, "Was that a tonic?" the lion's eyes echoed the question. SOOOOO FUNNY.
AWWW, I MISS QUIDDITCH MALFOY. - I saw all the Slytherins flying around and immediately missed Quidditch!Malfoy from Chamber of Secrets. Ickle Tommeh Feltz. Back then Dan was taller than him, by a quarter of a foot, but now...WHOAMG. Ahem...where were we?
AH CRAP, I CRIED FOR HERMIONE. - I did. I really did. Emma did an excellent job with the scene. Or, as Daniel so eloquently and gracefully said to Emma after one take (at least, according to the HBP article in Entertainment Weekly), "Fucking brilliant."
hibimaosuki pointed this out to me. Camera pan of Ron and Lavender rushing upstairs and then pan out, and LOOK THERE'S DRACO UP IN THE CLOCK TOWER WATCHING EVERYTHING AROUND HIM OMG HE LIKES TO WATCH.
SPEAKING THAT LOUD IN A LIBRARY WHY?! - But the way the Hermione was returning the books was epic. Also: People still LOL'ed (literally) when Hermione smacked Harry for the "I AM the Chosen One" comment.
AWWWWW, LUNA IS WIN. - I loved that shot of Luna waiting for Harry so they could go to the Christmas Party. She was so pretty! Also: Would've liked to see more of Hermione's dress, actually. PG-13 CLEAVAGE, XDDDDD.
AWWWW, NEVILLE U R HAWT. - In that uniform? LOL, hawt-dorable. "He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo." XD
SNAPE AT THE PARTY FTW. - "You've just earned yourself a month's worth of detention FOR PUKING ON MY BEST ARMANI SHOES. DUMBASS." Also: "Not so fast, Potter." And he didn't even turn his head OMG VINTAGE ALAN RICKMAN.
SNAPE AND DRACO OMGGGGGG. - Draco + Snape = DRAPE. I'm just sayin'. And OMG that was a good scene. It was very well done, Tom held his own just fine with Alan Rickman. (I love saying his full name. Alan Rickman. ALAN RICKMAN. Just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? I'll bet it does.) Ahem.
HO SHIT, CHRISTMAS. L/T! - OMG I LOVED R/T IN THIS MOVIE. Tonks telling Harry not to push it, and then giving Remus a look like, "Let's go talk," and Remus leaving after her, just...OMG I MELTED IN MY SEAT.
SNOG TIME! - Copyright
"You'll have to forgive Remus..." - "He's totes PFMS-ing." That's EXACTLY the type of tone used for me when I'm almost at MY first night of the cycle. More on that later.
WHY DOES EVERYONE KNOW... - That there is a Vanishing Cabinet in Borgin And Burkes?! That's one of the veeeeeeeeeeeeery few things I will nitpick about.
"ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN'T STAY?" - "No, I think we have to go...::whispers to Molly.:: The first night of the cycle is always the worst." LUPIN: (should've rolled his eyes and said) I'M LEIK RYT HURR I CAN TOTES HEAR YOU U KNW.
Y MAGIC OUTSYD SQL?! - Didn't he, like, almost get into a truckload of trouble because he was defending himself at the start of the previous movie? And here now, he tries to Stupefy a menacing man-wolf, and no one bats an eyelash. HAH. < / nitpick >
LUPIN AND TONKS IN THE WHEATFIELD - OMG that was win. They even looked across at each other, and I MELTED. OMGOMGOMG. Also: You know you've let your grass grow too tall when they're taller even than David Thewlis.
BURROW OH NOEZ. - Oh GAWD, the look on Molly's face as they watched the house burn. Heartbreaking. RIP Burrow. You will be missed.
LOL I THOUGHT I WAS GOING DEAF... - Or that the sound had gone bad. It was just the memory going sloppy.
HAND! HAND! - I thought digital had forgotten to make Dumbledore's right hand all scarred and stuff, but it turned out to be a trick. Heh, nice touch.
OH YES PARALLELISM FTW. - Ok, so "I wanted to ask you about Horcruxes" wasn't in there, but what was in there, I thought, was way better.
SIT! SIT, RON, SIT! BAD RON! - Heel! I said HEEL, Ron! Stay...stay...Good boy. Only those who have seen the movie will know why all that was just said.
Y SNAPE IN HOSPITAL WING?! - Oh, it's because he has a much bigger nose than Dumbledore, so he can tell much better if there's poison in the drink just by sniffing it.
hibimaosuki actually laughed at that. PHEW.
EVERYBODY IN THIS MOVIE IS CRYING. - Three people crying in a span of 10 minutes. Srsleh. This is one emo movie, y'all.
AWWWWWW, MAKING SNOW LINE. - I actually said it out loud with Hermione, when she said, "You're making it snow." I LOVED that that was in there. I actually thought that the Ron/Hermione was done and handled MUCH better than the Ginny/Harry relationship, TBPH.
I LOVE DRACO'S WALK. - That rich-boy swagger was way cool, especially when it broke when he started to head for the bathroom.
OH NOEZ WET SNAPE CAPE IS WET. - I felt so bad for that cape, especially with the shot coming from up above, and you can actually see the cape in the water. Grraaarrrr, poor cape. Also: LOVED Alan Rickman's melodic chanting, really did sound like a song. WIN.
JINX, U OWE SODA. - Part of the Cheeziness that was Ginny/Harry, in the RoR, when they heard the bird (but didn't know it was a bird) in the cabinet. "What was that?" JINX, U OWE SODA.
BACKGROUND MUSIC, Y U SO CHEEZY. - And for future reference - that was NOT a kiss. That was just her sliding her lips against his for a split second. EPIC KISS MOMENT - U DID IT WRONG, BB.
"So...Did you and Ginny do it then?" - RON R EPIC, OMG. Won't say more, so I won't spoil the funny too much.
HIGH HARRY IS HIGH FTW. - OMG, Dan's high face is waaaaay awesome. Also, "At least, Felix does," line is in there FTW. "HI!!11!!" OMG FUNNEH.
SLUGHORN R NINJA. - In ur gardenz, taking ur venomous tentacula leavezes, Precious.
"They kind of freak me out. Mmmmmmm." - OMG Dan went "Mmmmmm," and I had myself a tiny Dan-gasm right there.
"Then by all means, come along, sir!" - Why was there no "DUUUUUUUH." to punctuate this sentence?! A close-up shot of Harry going "DUUUUUUUH" would've been epic.
HIGH HARRY WALK MAKES HIM LOOK NEWLY CIRCUMCISED. - WELL IT DOES. And I should know, since I saw my cousins and my brother walking around on the days they got circumcised. So yes, I would know what that looks like.
"Not to mention their PINCERS." - Again. High Harry is HIGH FTW. There's no way to describe the epic-ness of this part with just words. It's one of those "you have to see it to really SEE it" kind of things. ::snickersnicker::PINCERS::snickersnicker.::
HIGH CHAIR FOR HIGH HARRY. - I loved that shot of Harry's feet dangling half a foot off the floor. Something about that just struck me as soooooo funny.
"I ONCE HAD A FET PISH..." - All I will say about that. Also: ...
LILY STORY. - Made me cry, OMG. That was beautiful. And then Harry went and did the whole guilt trip thing, and HAH HIGH HARRY IS EVIL.
TEENAGE TOM RIDDLE. - A) IS EPICLY HAWT. B) His S's are prolonged in the echoes, like a snake's hiss. Beautiful touch, well done, Yates.
CRICK OF THE NECK! - OMG IT WAS AWESOME. For those who don't remember much of OoTP, this probably wouldn't matter, but to people like me who've seen OoTP OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN so many times, that was WAAAAAAY EPIC. And Dan did such a good job with it too. ALSO:
HO SHIT YOU'RE A HORCRUX!!!!! - Copyright
SNAPE AND DUMBLEDORE ARGUMENT FTW. - Preview of DH epicness? YAY! Plus - SNAPE AND HARRY ON STAIRS = Alan Rickman's trademark staredown. Accept no substitutes.
FLY, YOU HAWT OVERGROWN BAT YOU. - Anyone else noticed I'm hot for Alan Rickman? XD
"Being me has it's privileges." - One of the most win lines EVER.
IT'S GALADRIEL'S BOAT OMGGGGGGG. - And this marks the first of the Lord Of The Rings stream of consciousness.
BASIN POTION, Y U NOT GREEN. - Wasn't it supposed to be glowing green? Hmmmmm. < / slight nitpick >
OK, THIS SCENE IS TOO AMAZING. - Michael Gambon did SUCH an amazing job with the potion scene, OMG. I literally felt my heart breaking. I was CRYING, OMG. And I loved that Dan's hands were visibly, actually shaking. That was soooooooo good. Also: "It will, it WILL stop, but only if you drink this!" WIN.
SHIT, I FUCKING JUMPED. - I knew that Inferi hand was coming, but OMG did I ever jump. And
hibimaosuki, who was seeing this for the second time, didn't, so she chose to point and laugh at me. "YOU JUMPED, HAWHAW," Nelson style. (Nelson, from The Simpsons.)
OMG IT'S A MILLION GOLLUMS. - SRSLEH. It was way awesome to see, but OMG GOLLUM GOLLUM.
OMG THE DEAD MARSHES SCENE FROM THE TWO TOWERS, WAT U DO DER?! - Srsleh. Even in the book, when Harry noticed the things in the water, I imagined in my head, "There are dead things! Dead faces in the water!" So I wasn't surprised that I immediately thought that when I saw the Inferi. And although Harry getting dragged all the way down into the water was an AWESOME touch, it was pretty reminiscent of Frodo in the water already, and I just thought, "OH THE EPICNESS. IT R CLASHING."
AWWWW, HOSPITAL WING!DRACO. - I seriously wanted to sit by his bedside and stroke his head and tell him everything's going to be okay.
TOM FEET! TOM FEET! - I squealed, which prompted
hibimaosuki to say, "Eeeew, you have a feet-ish." GET IT?!
ASSASIN > KILLER. - Yes, I know they're not the same, technically, but it works here, because the definition of ASSASINATION is to kill someone of authority and/or great power. So it works. Somehow.
SHIT. GOOD JOB, TOM. - I LOOOOOOOOOVED Tom Felton in this scene. And actually, his last few minutes in the entire movie. His facial reactions, and his tones, and his crying, just...Job well done, mate. Very well done.
AVADA KEDAVRA... - A lot of people thought this scene lacked ooomph, and it kind of did for me too, but I did absolutely LOVE and ADORE Alan Rickman's tone when he finally said it, especially towards the end, where it sounded like it was hard for him to say, like he still didn't want to do it, but fine, he'll do it, he doesn't really want to, and he couldn't reel the emotion back in. For people who haven't read DH, they'll not really get the significance of that, but OMG, that was powerful. That slow-mo shot of Dumbledore falling was insane though.
LOOK ON DRACO'S FACE. - Like I said, Tom just did the best facial reactions in his last few minutes. When the spell hits Dumbledore, the look on his face of abject shock, like he couldn't believe that Snape had ACTUALLY done it...And also when Bellatrix is celebrating in the Great Hall, blowing everything up (IN UR GREAT HALLz, BREAKING UR GLASS WINDOWzes), the look of "What have I done?!" on his face...Leading up to when we first see Draco in DH, in Malfoy Manor, where he can't look at anyone, and he looks like he doesn't want to be there...It's absolutely perfect.
OK, SO I CRIED WHEN HARRY CRIED... - That scene with him actually going up to Dumbledore's body and finally just breaking down in tears was VERY well done. I imagine that what David Yates wanted was for Harry to look like he's trying not to cry, to hold it in, but then he takes the locket, and that's really when it hits him that Dumbledore is dead, and he just absolutely loses it. And that was a very good touch. And I loved how, just like in the books, the only one to actually touch Dumbledore is Harry. And Ginny going up to him and holding him as he cried...that I didn't think was cheesy. I thought that was beautiful, and I cried even more at that, and at the shot of Emma's tear falling down her cheek. That was so great.
GREAT HALL SHOT. - What a shot. What a powerful shot. That empty Great Hall, with Dumbledore's chair in the front and in the middle, and it was empty...what a shot. Although,
hibimaosuki and I both agree it would've been better placed as the very last shot of the film, or at least second to the last shot. Especially since they actually showed Fawkes flying away from Hogwarts.
OH. PORTRAIT. OH OH OH WATERWORKS. OH GAWD. - Harry looked up at the portrait of sleeping Dumbledore, and OMG I STARTED CRYING AGAIN. I like that on Harry's face you can actually sort of see that he's wondering if the portrait knows he's in the office.
AWWWW, FAWKES. - I love that this shot is in there, but I think it would've had more significance if there was actual interaction between Fawkes and Dumbledore somewhere within the movie, not just a shot of Fawkes in passing in Dumbledore's office. Because then, people who don't really read the books would get that it signified Dumbledore's passing somehow, just like in the book, "...had left Hogwarts, had left Harry."
> Dan and Emma's acting have improved immensely, and now I like Emma a lot better. :D
> Steve Kloves has, apparently, loved the fact that Dumbledore is gay. Why do I say this? Because there are soooooooo many moments in this movie that can be misconstrued, especially by crazy fangirls like myself and
hibimaosuki, and not just from Dumbledore, but between other characters. I totes mean it.
> Luna and Lavender were freakin' awesome.
> R/T WAS TOTES LOVE OMG. I love that in this movie, they already seem to have something going on, and they're quite comfortable with it and in it already. Hope they'll get enough screen time in DH part 1 for the circumstancs of their relationship to really be explored and explained.
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.