More Spam. Still Farscape. Still Ampersand. Still Stark. Shock. Horrors.
Title: In the Dark
Fandom: Farscape
Character/Pairing: Stark&Chiana
Time Frame: Between Bad Timing and Peacekeeper Wars
Spoilers: Minor for PKWars, major for Bad Timing.
Synopsis: Scene from a Transport Pod, Unseen.
Word Count: 422
Rating: PG13
Warning: Angst
Disclaimer: Farscape and the characters and settings therein are the property of the Henson Company, and are used here entirely without permission but entirely with respect. This is for love, not for money.
Acknowledgments: I bow and scape to my amazing, out-of-the-blue beta
chazjazz, who not only corrected some serious spelling and grammer frell-ups, but had some utterly beautiful sugestions that make this an infinately better story. Thank you.
Author's Notes: I was compelled to fufill a request from my good freind
vilakins, who wanted something with both Chiana and Stark - and this is what my brain came up with. Originally posted as commentfic.
"You stupid kinkoid frellnik!" Chiana yelled, blindly throwing the rag in the general direction of the cowering Banik. "I'm not helpless, and I'm not a narl and and and I don't need you, your help!"
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Stark muttered, picking up the cloth and shuffling to the other end of the pod.
"Why do you care, anyway? Why did you volunteer to take me?" Why didn't D'Argo? she added silently, chewing worryingly at a fingernail. Why didn't he argue harder when I said I didn't need him? Was he secretly glad I was going away?
"Because," Stark started, and Chiana could hear him wringing the cloth in his hands frantically, "because it's my fault."
Chiana lifted her empty white eyes to stare at him. "What?"
"I may... look, I know my mind is tangled, rent, but I'm not an idiot. I'm not! I panicked, didn't do what I was supposed to, and you jumped in. You wore out your eyes, and you didn't need to. I need to take care of you, all of, Zhaan said, even if I'm worthless and useless..."
Chiana threw out her hand blindly, reaching for him. "You're not worthless!" Her groping hand finally contacted his cloak and she pulled him into an embrace. "She wouldn't love a worthless person. And she loved you, so much."
Silence filled the pod for a short while, measured out in steady, low heartbeats from the Banik's chest where Chiana rested her ear. She closed her useless eyes and swallowed, letting her breathing slow and calm take her over as she felt puffs of Stark's breath stir her hair. Then she felt a hand gently brush her brow, fingertips slightly wet with the traces of a kiss. He pulled himself away from her arms and she let him go.
Chiana listened to Stark's movements, tracking him as he walked across the tiny sleeping quarters and paused in the doorway to the control room. She heard him sigh, and part his lips to speak. "He would have come with you, you know. But he's a Luxan, he thinks that if someone refuses help, they need to feel strong. And he's afraid to fight for you, afraid to step in and overrule you, because he lost you that way once. It's love, Chiana. And he'll hold you so tight your ribs will ache when you get back."
Chiana nodded, and listened to him leave the room, going back to the front part of the pod. "And see?" she whispered, "You're not useless, either."
...I need to write more Chi. I really do. I say this knowing full well that the next thing I'm posting has Chi in it too.