The Amazing Tank's Many Talents

Jul 28, 2004 05:10

Title: The Amazing Tank's Many Talents
Fandom: Matrix
Setting: Just Post-Matrix
Characters: Neo, Tank
Raiting: PG-13, for mild cussing
Spoilers: Matrix, none for the others, really...
Synopsis: Neo visits Tank while he's recovering, and they have a deep, philosophical discussion about important matters... *snickers*


The Amazing Tank's Many Talents

This Fic is Dedicated to one_eon_neo, because this owes a great deal to his style and characteriation. Thank you. I am not worthy.



"Yeah, Tank?"

"I just wanted to say that if this turns out worse than it seems, and I don't make it, I'm proud to have been your operator."

"Don't do that, man, you're gonna be fine."

"Yeah, well.... I don't know, man, I have the weirdest feeling, man, like I'm never going to see the Neb again."

"Don't worry, Tank, you're gonna get out of this infirmary, they're going to fix the Neb up, and everything's gonna be fine."

"Yeah, well, it's just this really strong... feeling, man. I can't shake it."

"So, you're psychic, now? Got any other talents I should know about?"

"No, not really... MIS-ter An-der-SON."

"Argh! Jesus, Tank! Don't do that!! You sounded exactly like him! How'd you do that?"

"Heh. When you downloaded your impressions as a report into the construct, Morpheus had us all watch 'your triumph over the Agent' first hand. And damn, Neo, that is the creepiest bastard I have ever seen in my life. And what Morpheus told us about him was worse. Did you know that thing has a name?"

"Had a name, thank you."

"Yeah, anyway, apparently, you kicked the ass of Agent Smith."

"Wow, that's original."

"What do you expect? It's an Agent."

"I wonder if the other two have names."

"Maybe, who knows? Hey, maybe they're all Agent Smith!"

"One was more than enough, Tank, thanks."

"Hey, maybe I should tweak Mouse's program, to put the voice in. You think he'd mind?"

"As long as you only tweak the training program."

"Neo! I mean... Ew. That is... Pass me the engine de-greaser. Damn. I can't get rid of the image of him in that stupid red dress..."

"Heh. Smith in a Dress."

"There something I should tell Trinity, Neo?"



"Joens. One of the other two has got to be Jones. Because the next most common name is Jones."

"Okay, so what's the third one called, if you're so smart?"

"..uhm... Johnson?"

"Too many syllables. Bird?"

"Too pretty. White?"

"Too descriptive. Anderson?"

"Tank, that's not even funny."

"Whatever you say, MIS-ter AN-der-SON."

"Tank! Stop it!! God, I am SO glad I never have to hear the for real ever again..."

"I dunno, Neo, you came back."

"I'm The One, Tank."

"Well, you sure made an impression on the other two. They ran like rabbits. It was beautiful. But really Neo, what if he does come back?"

"What, you're making psychic predictions again? Listen, Tank, if he DOES come back, I'm gonna make an impression on him, too. My fist on his face."

"Yeah, man! 'This's for Morpheus!' Bastard."

"Damn right."



"Be careful."

"I will. But don't worry, man; you're gonna be in the chair, watching my ass, Mr. Wizard."


"C'mon Tank, what are you, the Oracle? Tell Me MY Fuuuuuture, oh wise one!"

"Fine! You're gonna marry Trinity, move to the suburbs of Zion, and raise twelve kids, and name them Morpheus, Mouse, Dozer, Apoch, Switch... uh.... Thomas... uhm... Jones, Johnson, White and Bird."

"Jesus, Tank, no more grease for you. And anyway, that's ten kids. What're the other two named?"

"Smith. And Anderson."


"They're the Twins."


"They're perfect angels."

"Uh-huh. Well, It's been fun, Tank, but I'm leaving."

"What, just because I named half your kids after Agents?"

"No... well, yes. That and I was supposes to relieve Trin fifteen minutes ago."

"Alright then. Damn. It only feels like you been here fifteen minutes."

"Time flies while you're torturing your friends."

"Yeah. Give my love to Trinity, man."

"I'll do that. We'll see you soon."

"See you."



"Zion has Suburbs?"

"Go home, Neo."

"...Goodbye, Tank."

"Goodbye, Neo."


Wow, that was quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever written, but DAMN was it FUN. Dude. That was just... I am a SMARTASS, aren't I?

And no, upon reflection, the Angel fic was stupider.

R&R, folks.

genre: humour, pairing: ampersand: neo&tank, challange: 15 minute ficlets, character: matrix: tank, character: matrix: neo, warning: crackfic, genre: metafic, warning: dialogue fic, rating: pg13, fandom: matrix, genre: ampersand

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