The Latest Batch of
farscapefriday drabbles and fics:
Magic and SwordCharacter: That Would Be Telling.
Challange: Random Song Title: "Magic and Sword" (From the .hack//SIGN Anime OST)
Spoilers: I'd tell you, but that would spoil you for the story. If you've seen up to the first third of season four, you're safe.
Word Count: 200.
Monster in my HeadCharacter: Stark.
Spoilers: Self Inlicted Wounds, The Choice, and John Quixote.
Word Count: 214
Challange: Drabble Line Challange, using "She came for me, called to me; met a stranger with my face, a monster in my head." From
Broken and Standing, by
roonblah ~~~
Ficathons Status:
The Sprog-a-thon: Got my assignment, picked which plot request I'm doing, have an outline. It's turning out much, much, darker and angstier then I thought it was gonna be, and maybe than the recipient would like. But it's looking like all the side requests (location, prop, other characters, ect) are getting covered.
The Braca-thon: Got my request, and after frowning at it, finally got a plot idea. Turning out much better than I expected, have a good chunk written, and I even have a way to work in something requested I didn't think I was going to be able to. Bizarrly enough, this is for the same person as the sprog fic. Hope they end up liking my style...
Multi-Fandom Lyric Wheel: So I got two songs I've never heard of, and the recipient has no intrest list, and I was PANIKING. I came up with an idea for each song, and after having gone through the recipient's LJ, I picked the song that sparked an idea in the fandom they seem to like better of the two I had an idea for. Still, this is a real nipple twister. Don't even have an outline yet.
Other Fics Status:
Gift for Astrogirl: I had this outlined long long ago, and I kinda stalled on it, and then I was looking over the ficathon requests, double checking the one that was assigned to me and I came upon Astro's and noticed the fic I was already planning for her fit one of her criteria for the sprog-a-thon. So I'm trying to get it done in time in addition to my own sprog fic, as kinda a bonus, since she has this wierd streak of people who get assigned to her in fic-a-thons getting delayed.
An attempt at writing a fifteen minute fic for
15minuteficlets' word of "searching" has resulted in a much-longer-than-15-minutes-worth rambling Jones/Brown thing that I'm stuck on. Need beta help, please. You will have to put up with a lot of odd AI-POV, and almost no plot whatsoever.
Despite being theoretically on the back burner, I keep getting Farscape:Appleseeds ideas and background. As a reward for sitting through the rest of this dren, here's a half-page of notes on the Banik language scribbled on the back of looseleaf notes for my linguistics class:
Ah, Banik, Banik. What a lovely language. Its phonology is based on Slavic. Its morphology is based in equal parts on Malasian and a bowl of spaghetti. Its syntax is based on English, Cree, Greek, French, or Quenya, depending on my mood. And its semantics is based on froonium-flavoured crack.
Community Pimping:
From the user info blurb of
It happens to everyone who writes fanfic. You're going along, minding your own business, when you're suddenly struck by a fic idea. A really atrociously bad fic idea. One that should not, under any circumstances, actually be written. Because it is oh, so very wrong. But, oh, so very funny.
This is a place to share the horror with others.
If only they'd made this sooner, Astro might never have had to actually write Moya/Giant Space Squid. Or Noranti!Porn. Wait, that would've been bad. On the other hand, now I have a place to ditch my astonishlingly tasteless RPS ideas.
Like this one. ~~~
Potential Ficathon Announcements:
I'm seriously contemplating doing a ficathon (or two) and I'd like feedback on when this (these) blessed event(s) should take place (minimum May), and what adjustments I should make to the rules as stated. If you're interested in either or both of the following, please let me know what you think, and if you know anyone who might be interested, please have them drop by. My fic journal simply does not get enough traffic.
1) The Barenaked Ladies Multi-Fandom Lyric Wheel:
Pick three BNL songs (A list will be provided with links to lyrics for those unfamiliar with the BNL canon). Pick three fandoms you'd like to read. List all the fandoms you can write in. Mix and match your recipient's Lyrics with thier fandoms. Amount of lyrics used is up to you. Minimum 750 words. Am also comtemplating doing the same thing with Beatles.
2) The Third Wheel: (with thanks for the title going to
a post describing her dislike for overspecific ficathon requests,
astrogirl2 threw out the random example of "It should feature characters A, B, and C, cherry Jello, bagpipes, angst, and a protractor, and be set at Sea World during Season 3." Something in my brain snapped in glee, and I decided that everyone's Crack!Fic muscles deserve excercise.
A discussion ensued, and I'm pretty much commited. (Or at least, I should be.) You sign up, specify fandom and characters A, B, and C, and state what fandoms you can write season three of. So the question remains: should this happen before or after the BNL wheel, and how soon from now?
Please note: I'm not acually accepting sign ups for these right now! Just gageing interest/feasabllity.
There we go. Think that's everything. Back to homework.