Fanfiction: Fear in a Handful of Dust ( 10/?)

Jun 30, 2011 14:28

Title: Fear in a Handful of Dust (10/?)
Author:  lady_slayer 
Rating: T
Pairing: Damon/Elena,
Category: Hurt/comfort
Summary:Be careful what you wish for, or it might actually happen. Lives will get turned upside down, hearts get broken and everything is NOT the way it should be. Also... nothing good EVER came of a wish that starts with "I wish you could..."!
Warnings: A little blood, a bit more foul language, but nothing TOO bad.
Show/Bookverse: Show
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. And the title is from “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot
Spoiler: A few, I guess... but I don't really pick up on the actual show-plot, I just use a few newfound charactertraits (and new characters, like Elijah).

Now as always, thank you sooo much, my dear AVECIA... she’s the BEST beta reader I can hope for! And of course the readers and reviewers, because without you, I would probably have stopped writing on this quite some time ago^^.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything about TVD, I just like to mess with them!

On with it!


After wandering around town for two hours, and hunting in the woods for another three, Stefan decided that whatever Damon and Elena had been up to, they should be done by now. Talking, partying... whatever. He was human right now, so he hadn’t quite the...stamina he usually had, so he and Elena should be asleep by now. But the second he entered the Boarding House, he realized that, human or not, there was one thing that his brother was able to do all. Night. Long. Like fucking his girlfriend. He had to grin at the sounds coming from upstairs. It was funny how easy it had been to let go in the end. He was jealous for so long, that now, after he had decided to not be that way anymore... he felt so much better. Like, after over a century of malevolence and hate, he could finally breathe free.

Still, the noises from upstairs... not something he needed as a lullaby; so he went to his room, took his iPod and sighed in relief as the music blearing from the headphones directly into his ears drowned them out.


Watching Elena sleep beside him - knowing that she was naked under the covers, the early morning light gently caressing her skin - was one of the more... surreal things that had ever happened to him. And considering the life he had lead that was saying something. But this moment was feeling so unreal, in so many ways... first of all, she was here; she was in his room, in his arms. He had given up hope of ever having her months ago. He even had begun to resign himself to the fact that she would always only be with Stefan. He knew he shouldn’t question his luck, but he couldn’t help himself. Lady Luck was a bitch on a good day - and when it concerned him, she was usually a PMS-ing, vengeful witch (not unlike Bonnie, now that he thought about it). Shaking his head, he tried to get rid of those thoughts; he really should just enjoy.... whatever this was. Who knew how long it would last?

“You’re staring at me.” He should be startled that she knew; or maybe embarrassed that he got caught. But he really wasn’t... embarrassment just wasn’t something he did.

“Yes, I’m aware.”

A moment of silence, then...

“Stefan was right. It really is creepy.”

“It’s creepy that you talk about Stefan while you’re naked in my bed. You know, the boyfriend you cheated on with me.”

He didn’t know why he said that just then; he also knew that it was a stupid thing to say. And a sure-fire way to ruin the mood. She probably would now rush to put her clothes back on, and disappear out the door. Or maybe she would start to explain all the reasons that this night had been a mistake... or she could just flip them around and straddle him, giving him a glare of fierce irritation. Her eyes darkened, and the veins around them gave even more strength to the glare. In that moment, she looked more like Katherine than ever, and at the same time, nothing like her at all.

After tonight, he certainly would never be able to mistake the two of them again. Because even angry and hungry for his blood, Elena was different. Because even now, there was nothing cold or calculating in her eyes. As similar as this scene was to many a morning spent with Katherine; him on his back, his hand pressed to the mattress by her smaller ones - betraying the strength in them - and her fangs prominent as she sneered down at him... there was no mistaking Katherine and Elena anymore. With Katherine, he had been fascinated and a little scared sometimes. With Elena, there was just this feeling of coming home, of being able to rest, knowing that his heart was safe with her.

“Are you even listening to your own words? I don’t know where you have been all night.... but I passed cheating somewhere between pushing you onto your bed, and ripping apart my own shirt. I spent the whole night; I didn’t jump up and flee. You should know me better than to think that all I’d want of you is a quick roll in the hay.”

He blinked up at her, not entirely sure what to say. He probably should go with something diplomatic, something to not piss her off any further. But as always, his own advice went unheard. He really was a masochist.

“You sure about that? Because if I remember correctly, there was not one word of... feelings involved. You only told me I should forget and let it be. Not much of a love declaration if you ask me.”

Elena just sighed, let go of his hands and sunk her forehead to his chest. She breathed in and out a few times; trying to calm herself down, more than likely. There really was no knowing what would happen if she would kill him right now... after all, she could be stuck a vampire permanently.

“I’m not Katherine.”

“I know that, thank you.” Shaking her head, she sat up again to look straight into his eyes.

“No, I don’t think you do. Damon... I might have started this the wrong way... I should have gone to Stefan and I should have told him that we no longer work. Actually... I should have done that at least a few weeks ago. But I don’t always know what I’m feeling; I don’t always see clear. I’m sorry about that, but that’s just how it is. But I can see it now... that Stefan and I together would be... it would be like settling down. We work well enough, but just because we’re both not invested enough to talk about the things that don’t work. It’s never been like that with us, you know? You always call me on my crap. And I’ve always told you when you act like a dick again. Like you are right now, by the way.”

As she leant down again to capture his lips, he should have protested. Asked her what exactly she meant with her words, if he really had a chance of winning her heart (he hated how sappy that sounded - and it was just in his head, not even spoken out loud!). But well... she was kissing him, and instead of complaining as his hand landed on her ass to pull her closer, she arched into the touch and... and the concept of thinking went flying out the window (or to a place a lot lower than his brain) again.

Just as well. He could do the thinking later. He always had been more of a doing kind of guy.


Damon had fallen asleep again nearly half an hour ago. His breathing was deep and even, and his posture relaxed; so she crept out from under his arm, put on her sweatpants and one of his shirts. She probably looked like a child in it, but it was still better than her ripped shirt. Especially considering where she was headed to.

After she had closed the door to Damon’s room, she made short work of the distance to Stefan’s. She knew he was in there; had heard him tinkering around, mumbling to himself every once in a while. So now she knocked on the door and waited; not for long though, as he opened it only seconds later, a mischievous grin on his face. She was slightly worried... he never grinned, much less mischievously. He looked like the proverbial cat that got the cream, and it didn’t quite fit his usual attitude.

“You’re not upset.”

“That’s probably because I’m not.” Well, at least they weren’t playing the pretending game. Right?

“I slept with Damon.”

“I heard. You weren’t exactly quiet.” Right, so no pretending. But why the fuck was he so damn calm? No use beating around the bush by now...

“Well then pardon my next choice of phrase but why the fuck are you so damn calm?” Stefan cocked his head to the side, for once looking like he and Damon actually might be related to each other; and then he smiled, lightening his whole face up.

“You make him happy. You make him human - and no, I don’t mean the literal thing that’s going on right now. Over the last year you somehow managed to dig my brother out again. The monster that wore his face all but disappeared.”

He turned around and wandered to the windows; hands clasped together behind his back, he talked on, even though he was gazing at the rising sun outside.

“Damon and I were the best of friends, once upon a time. I looked up to him; when I was just a little kid, I followed him everywhere. And he let me; never once did he complain about the nuisance of a baby brother who wouldn’t let him have even a little bit of peace. He told me stories about our mother as I started to forget her, because I was too little when she died... and then one day, he went to war and came back changed. A little less... innocence and dreams in his eyes, they had become bitter and slightly rougher at the edges. Maybe he would’ve gotten better again but... but then Katherine came along and between us, and everything went to hell. On the day we turned, he wasn’t the only one heartbroken - or just plainly broken. And my actions didn’t help all that. I mean... I don’t regret what I did. I’d rather have him hate me, than not have him here at all. But I’ve forgotten that for a while... I’ve forgotten that we once loved each other. And Damon had forgotten how to love altogether; his struggle to get Katherine out of the tomb, became not much more than an obsession after a few decades.

But now... now he has feelings again, and he makes fun of me in the good way; not trying to hurt me, but just teasing sometimes. Not always, mind you...”

He drifted off then, and his reflection in the windows showed her a dreamy expression; he was remembering something, and it was clearly a nice thing to remember. But she wasn’t here to let him drift in memories (god and the devil knew that she had been doing that enough lately).

“So you’re not even... angry?” He blinked a few times and then turned around again... it was obvious that he had to concentrate to get back to reality. But he did, so she let it slide... it wasn’t important.

“I would have been a month - hell, even a week - ago. Angry, disappointed and sad. But seeing my brother again helped in that department so... no I really am not angry. I don’t really understand it myself... but I guess some things are just meant to happen.”

She was in front of him instantly, and threw her arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. She had been so afraid of his reaction to all of that. Had been afraid that he would point his finger at her and tell her that she was no better than Katherine. Most of all though, she had been afraid of hurting him; she might not be in love with him anymore, but she still loved him. But it seemed that, for a change, something was working out the easy way. There was still an Original out to get her, and she still was a vampire and Damon was not... but at least this was easy.

“One thing though... please tone the sounds down a little? There are things that I just don’t need to listen to.”

She knew he just (or mostly just) said it to lighten the mood up again, so she took it just as that, and said what needed to be said right then.

“Thank you.”

And then she was out the door, back on her way to Damon’s, not even waiting for his answer.

“No, thank you.”


Damon awoke with a start as he heard the click of his door closing. He was disoriented for a moment, but then he remembered. Alcohol, music and then... Elena. A whole lot of Elena.

The grin that spread across his face at that memory only lasted for a few seconds though... only until he realized that he was alone in his room. As he looked around, he could still see the tattered remains of her shirt, but her sweatpants were nowhere to be found. So he had been right, after all; nothing more than a momentary lapse of judgement. Just the heightened feelings that came with being a vampire. As soon as he had fallen asleep, she must have started to panic, only waiting for him to drift off so she could escape without having to explain herself right then.

It stung, more than he wanted to admit to himself; but it was nothing he hadn’t counted on, really.

He was tempted to just stay in bed; pull the cover over his head, and pretend that he wasn’t about to cry like a damn little girl. But he knew from experience that hiding away from the world never worked out well for him, so he pushed his covers off and headed to the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror above the sink, he wasn’t sure what he saw. There was a bite mark right where shoulder met neck, and she left a hickey on his throat. And considering the stinging on his back, he was pretty sure that he would find ten red streaks from her nails, if he was to turn around and look.

But that was only one side of his reflection. His body bore the proof that last night had happened. His face though, showed without a doubt that the lonely morning after had, as well. He sighed and closed his eyes for just a moment... and as he opened them again he let out a startled gasp, for his face wasn’t the only one looking back again. He turned around too quickly, nearly stumbling over his own feet; as it was, he only managed to stay standing thanks to the helping hand gripping his upper arm.

“Everything alright here? You looked kind of far away there for a moment.”

“Elena?” His voice sounded like he actually had difficulties believing that it was her.

“Well, yeah. Did you expect someone else?” He opened his mouth to answer, only to realize that he hadn’t one to give; what should he say, anyway?

I just thought you would be back in the arms of my brother by now... acting just like Katherine...?

“No... I just didn’t hear you come in. No supernatural hearing and all that.”

But as usual, Elena saw right through his facade; sometimes he really wondered why he bothered at all.

“Right. Next time you doubt me or my words, do me a favour and wait until you have proof for your doubts  before you go all... depressed and gloomy. It doesn’t fit you.”

And then she shimmied out of her pants, threw his shirt over her shoulder and stepped into the shower.

“I talked to Stefan. He said to please tone it down. But he was fully dressed, so I think he might be on his way out anyway... hey, are you coming, or do I have to stand in here all myself?”

He looked at her silhouette behind the glass wall to his shower, wondering what the hell just happened. But he shoved any and all thoughts to the back of his mind and joined her in the shower.

They would have to talk about this later; whatever this was. He would have to ask about Stefan, and what it all meant.

But now he had a gloriously naked Elena in his shower, and she told him in no uncertain terms to join her.

Not something he had to be told twice.


Right. Done with the chapter... what do you think? Not too much drama, and a whole lot of nice things for Elena and Damon. I hope you enjoyed this break in drama and chaos just as I did... just let me know; click on the little button below, and leave me a few words. Reviews are love, people!

So long,

fear in a handful of dust, vampire diaries, fanfiction, damon/elena

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