Title: Back to You
Fandom: the GazettE (main), Nightmare
Pairings: AoixUruha, ReitaxRuki, RukaxKai
Rating: NC17
Spoilers/Warnings: Sex, mild kink
Prompt: (#7) The Wardrobe from
30_lemons, table found
hereDisclaimers: I don’t own them, I’m not implying any of this is true, God isn’t that nice to me.
Summary: Aoi and Uruha used to be lovers until both
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First of all, what made me rush here immediately last night (and yet, it took me the next day to finally finish reading) was KaixRuka pairing. I love both AoixUruha and ReitaxRuki, but KaixRuka I've never actually seen around. It seemed so refreshing, because AoixUruha and ReitaxRuki are the usual (almost cliche) pairings that leaves Kai to be paired up with someone out of the band, usual cliche was Miyavi in the past, so in that context Ruka seemed brilliant.
The story started a bit rocky for me, mostly because of ReitaxRuki. I've seen to so much in that exact same happily in love context that just the notion of them like that here too seemed bit stale. (I don't mean this as an offense.) But from that initial bump story continued on with a nice tone and progression. The idea of Aoi and Uruha broken up and still trying to deal with it is interesting. Bitchiness between Uruha and Aoi was especially amusing. The reason of Uruha hating Aoi's outfit because of actual jealousy is something that seems most probable here :)
“Well it’s definitely an improvement over the last one. But seriously Aoi, what is this obsession of yours with flaunting your chest? It’s as if you are trying to say ‘I’m Aoi, here is my chest, my nipples are soon to follow’,” answered Uruha with a smirk.
AHahaha, this was shiny! Uruha's snarkiness was made of win and boy how much truth it actually holds. Aoi always seems to lose it with the outfits (to my eternal delight) but actually I haven't managed to see his nipples pop out from that particular outfit. I still can't believe it didn't happen, made me immensely sad.
Interaction between the characters was great, I just loved the way they acted and reacted to each other, I am thinking about the moment between Aoi and Reita and Reita and Uruha after that. Uruha's inability to lower down his walls and choosing to rile up Aoi instead was enjoyable almost in a masochistic sense. And just the difference between their characters, the way Aoi takes a step toward Uruha, only to have Uruha take a step away in return is exciting.
Now, forget anything I said about Reita and Ruki in the beginning because the way you handled them in the second part was great, it was teasing, lustful, hot and most importantly loving.
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me Ruki?"
“God, that was just bad Rei.” Uruha heard Ruki start to laugh only to have it dissolve into a moan.
Hi, hi, loved horribly cheesy Reita and Ruki practically rolling his eyes at him.
Really enjoyable to read, not just because of the hot descriptions but because of the way they really seemed together, like a perfect couple (“Come on you lazy bastard, faster.” Ha, ha, it seemed kind of a loving line to me.)I never actually thought of Ruki's outfit in that way, but now thinking of it as being made for a striptease show makes perfect sense. Even liked the way he wore and what he did with that (awful) hat here.
The setting with two of them AND Uruha was already hot, but OMFG! Aoi came as an unexpected surprise. God, who cared about Reita and Ruki anymore, after that moment. Loved the blatant display of sexuality and the show he put on just for Uruha. Loved Uruha reaction, still so in character to his previous behavior.
And Aoi, gosh!
And when Aoi looked at him again, Uruha shuddered at the raw desire he saw there in his eyes. But it was soon replaced by a flash of cockiness as Aoi turned so that Uruha could fully see the dark spot spreading from the crotch in his jeans, clearly not ashamed of the fact that he had just cum in his pants.
So good to see him so blatantly sexual and assertive, his doubts and insecurities related to Uruha temporarily forgotten. Now, actually thinking about it, it is just how I see Aoi acting on stage and being off stage.
Very nicelly done. Looking forward to more clashing between these two and to seeing how your RukaxKai.
Yes I always had an issue with who to pair Kai with. I actually like him with Reita, but I think Rei works better with Ruki as a partner (at least to me). Ruka I always felt was a good fit, starting from the fact that they are both drummers.
And you did manage to pick out some of my favourite parts, namely the banter and the insults. But also the hidden feelings below that, which like you said showed in Aoi reaching out and Uruha just not accepting.
And of course, Aoi's outfits and his need to bare his chest and just drive the fans nuts (yes I havent seen his nipples in the recent outfit either, but it does seem to be creeping close)
While I do admit that ReitaxRuki is very typical pairing, I am glad that you felt I managed to do them justice. And the line about moving faster? For me I do think it is something you say when you are very comfortable with your partner and clearly love him or her to pieces (that is also one of my own fave lines).
And you hit the nail right on the head about Aoi. The reason he is my fave in gazette is because he has those two sides. The one that is the shy guy who is more comfortable with his Mac than with people, and the show-off sex god who just sizzles and smoulders. It just depends on which side he wants you to see ^^
I am writing the sceond part now ^^ fingers crossed i should get it done soon :)
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