Fanfiction: Back to You (Part I)

Jan 05, 2010 02:24

Title: Back to You
Fandom: the GazettE (main), Nightmare
Pairings: AoixUruha, ReitaxRuki, RukaxKai
Rating: NC17
Spoilers/Warnings: Sex, mild kink
Prompt: (#7) The Wardrobe from 30_lemons, table found here
Disclaimers: I don’t own them, I’m not implying any of this is true, God isn’t that nice to me.

Summary: Aoi and Uruha used to be lovers until both decided that they were better off living separate lives. However, Aoi's feelings towards the blonde have not changed a year on while Uruha tries, and fails, to move on. But will a series of voyeuristic encounters with their bandmates help them both to realise their true feelings?

A/N: This fic is part of my Ten Lemons series inspired by the 30_lemons challenge as well as my own resolve to write at least one story for each of my OTPs during this year. And since RPS is not allowed, this is my own personal challenge to write a one-shot for my top 10 pairings. However, since the GazettE are special to me, I decided to make theirs different and make it a 3-part story.

This is part one, and I'm aiming to post the other two over the next few days. So please enjoy and comments are always loved and much appreciated ^_^


~Part I: You Can Leave Your Hat On~


“I hate your outfit.”

Not many things gave Reita goosebumps. The list was short and normally limited to his boyfriend Ruki telling him he had a surprise for him and calls from his mother.

The former was normally more pleasurable since it usually include some form of the leather, the latter was a tad more uncomfortable because it almost always included some talk of when he was going to settle down and give her grandchildren.

All in all, the GazettE’s resident bassist always considered himself a fairly cool customer. But even his blood ran cold at the blunt observation from Uruha about fellow guitarist, and more notably ex-boyfriend, Aoi.

Simply put, just because you could stand the rain, didn't necessarily mean you were okay standing in a storm.

“Excuse me?” Aoi replied quietly.

The temperature in Reita’s blood fell a couple of notches at the sheer ice coming off that sentence. He shot a desperate look to the door and cursed inwardly when he realised that no saviour was going to walk through it. He had no idea where Ruki and Kai were, but hazarded a guess that they were with their stylist hashing out the final details of their latest look.

Glancing back at the guitarist, he didn’t think Aoi’s outfit for their Before I Decay look was all that bad, at least it covered up more than his previous brocade jacket and ragged shirt did.

In general, not many in the band dared to criticise anything Aoi did so openly given his legendary temper. Not saying that he couldn't take it, but there were always much nicer ways of putting things.

The only one who could and get away with it was Uruha. But that had been when they were dating and Aoi would do anything for the blonde. They had seemed so happy together that it was a shock to the rest of the band when they announced a year ago that they had broken up.

When that had happened, he, Ruki and Kai had all wondered whether the band would be able to stay together. However, the two guitarists had proven extremely professional when it came to work, which made them all breathe a sigh of relief.

Well that had always been the case, until today.

“I said, I hate your outfit Aoi,” Uruha said casually as he flipped through a magazine, not even looking up as the older man’s eyes turned dark.

“What exactly is your problem with my outfit Uruha? It’s not as if you are the one wearing it,” Aoi said. But Reita could see the effect that Uruha’s words had on Aoi from the way he self-consciously tugged at the lapels of his grey coat-top.

“Well it’s definitely an improvement over the last one. But seriously Aoi, what is this obsession of yours with flaunting your chest? It’s as if you are trying to say ‘I’m Aoi, here is my chest, my nipples are soon to follow’,” answered Uruha with a smirk.

Reita snorted at the comment but quickly tried to turn it into a cough when Aoi shot him a glare.

“At least I didn't steal my dressing style from a pre-teen magazine. Seriously Uru? Short shorts over tights? Sorry to tell you this but that style went out with the hookers at Kabuki-Cho,” Aoi snapped back, his patience finally fraying.

For a moment both guitarists just stared each other as Reita pretended to be absorbed in his laptop’s screensaver, although the tension in the room ghosted across the back of his neck like a cold sweat.

Finally it was Uruha who broke the deadlock, mumbling an audible “fuck you” under his breath as he grabbed his phone and walked out of the dressing room, closing the door a little harder than was needed in his wake.

For a minute, the room was completely silent save the whirring of the central air conditioning. It was only when Reita saw Aoi take a deep breath that he spoke.

“What…was that?” Reita said quietly.

“What do you mean, what was that Rei? Uruha was being a bitch, that is what it was,” Aoi said with barely suppressed anger as he sat down on the chair and reached for his cigarettes, almost crushing the carton.

“No what I meant was, you two have been fairly civil to each other since the breakup. You still even do fanservice for fuck’s sake. Something must have happened to set him off like that,” Reita said, closing his laptop and crossing his arms.

“Don’t look at me, you’re his best friend. If anything, we’ve barely spoken over the past few months about anything except work,” Aoi said defensively as he placed a Marlboro between his lips.

Reita quirked an eyebrow as he pondered Aoi’s tone. Even though the words were bitter, he couldn't help but catch the wisp of sadness in the spaces between.

“Why did you let him go Aoi? Especially since its clear you still care greatly for him,” Reita asked, his turn to be blunt.

Aoi swallowed hard and thought about denying the bassist’s statement, but the words seemed to stick in his throat. He thought about lying, but he realised that this was the first time that Reita had actually asked for details concerning their break-up so he owed him an honest answer.

“We were having problems, we were always getting into fights about the stupidest things. So one day when he told me he was leaving, I just let him go,” Aoi shrugged as he took a deep drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly as if to ease the rigidity in his shoulders.

“I reasoned that he didn't seem to care enough about our relationship to try harder, so why should I?”

“So you just let him end it? Just like that?” Reita said with a touch of incredulity in his voice, finally getting up to sit next to the older man.

“Aoi, if Ruki told me he wanted to leave tomorrow I wouldn't let him. I would work my hardest to fix whatever is broken between us because I know we are meant to be together.”

Aoi looked up and his heart tightened wistfully at the tenderness in Reita’s brown eyes when he spoke of the vocalist. Uruha used to have an almost identical look in his when they were together.

But it also reminded him that it was the only way he knew that the blonde gave a shit about him.

“So you would force him to stay even if he didn't love you anymore?” Aoi said harshly, not bothering to keep his tongue in check. But Reita, to his credit didn't flinch as he shook his head.

“He does love me, that is why I would do anything to make him stay,” Reita said softly. He hesitated a little before placing his hand on Aoi’s shoulder, not prone to such girlish gestures of comfort.

“Do you still love him Aoi?”

Aoi didn't answer immediately as Reita’s question ran in circles in his mind, his cigarette turning to ash as the curlicues of smoke rose above his head.

“I will always love him Rei,” Aoi finally said softly, the last vestiges of his anger seeping from his bones. “The thing is, sometimes I wished that I didn't.”

With that, Aoi shrugged off Reita’s hand before gathering up his phone and cigarettes and exiting the room, leaving the bassist alone. Reita sighed and ran a troubled hand through his hair.

He loved Uruha to pieces, but he wondered if he should go tell Kai what happened. It wasn't like him to tell tales but it wasn't his place to sort them out, that would be bandleader Kai’s responsibility.

His head jerked up when he heard the door open and saw Uruha calmly walking back into the dressing room. A spark of annoyance flared in his chest at how unflustered Uruha seemed, as if the tense exchange that had just taken place didn't leave a dent in his stoic façade.

“What was that for Uruha? What did Aoi do to deserve such a rude remark from you?” Reita asked as he finally lit the cigarette that had been between his fingertips for a while now.

Uruha looked at Reita in surprise. Of all people, he didn't expect Reita to use such a hostile tone with him.

“Where is it any of your business Reita? Aoi shouldn't get so prissy over such a small remark. I swear he can be such a girl sometimes, I can’t tell you how happy I am that I’m not dating him anymore,” Uruha said flippantly as he sat down at the table.

But Reita wasn't fooled for one moment. He knew Uruha wasn't the type to give his heart away easily or often. When they had broken up, he had wondered if the feelings between had run deep, but from what Aoi just said, he knew it had.

It helped Reita to make up his mind to tell Kai.

“You keep telling yourself that Uru,” Reita said as he stubbed out his cigarette and left.

The minute the door swung close behind him did Uruha finally slump in his chair, his feelings of frustration and anger manifesting itself in the troubled expression on his face.

Of course he knew why he had been uncharacteristically snappy with Aoi. It had to do with the conversation he had this morning with Sara, his girlfriend of three months.

“Or more like, ex-girlfriend,” Uruha thought with a humourless laugh.

If he closed his eyes, he could still see he before him, her dark hair spilling on the table in front of her as she bent her head over a cup of coffee. They had been quietly having breakfast in the café near his place when she told him she wanted to end things between them.

At first Uruha had been so taken aback he wasn't sure what to say. But when he did speak, all he could ask were clichéd questions. What was wrong? Was it something he did? Could they do anything to fix it?

Her answer had shaken him more than if she had told him she was cheating on him. She had just smiled sadly to herself before looking him in the eye.

“I deserve to be with someone who isn’t in love with someone else.”

Uruha was quick to counter though. Insisting that he didn't love Aoi anymore, that a relationship with the older guitarist was not a possibility.

But he stopped in his tracks when she fleetingly touched him on the cheek and said, “I never said it was Aoi. I always wondered, but now I have my answer.”

And that was a kick to the gut that he didn't appreciate.

Uruha barely remembered what happened next, just a vague recollection of Sara kissing him on the forehead and wishing him all the best. He sat there until his coffee grew cold and he got a message from their manager reminding him about the new costume fitting.

He groaned in frustration as he placed his head in his hands. For the past year he had worked so hard to keep his residual feelings for Aoi buried, and for most part he had been successful.

So what if jealousy ate at him every time he heard Aoi mention he was dating someone new? He wasn't the type to stay single for very long either and that had helped.

But apparently it wasn't enough. And Uruha hated Aoi for that, for the sway he still held over him.

His hatred for the older man deepened even further as he stood next to him as Kai looked at the both of them with disapproval with his hands on his hips.

Uruha wasn't that fond of Reita at the moment either, who was studiously avoiding the death glare he was shooting him.

“When you both started dating and when you broke up, you both told me that you could handle being around each other. What I heard happened this morning is not handling it,” Kai said angrily tapping his foot.

“Fuck, this is worse than being in school,” Uruha thought, rhythmically clenching and unclenching his hands.

“It was nothing Kai, no need for you to get your panties in a twist,” Aoi said snarkily, which told Uruha that he didn't appreciate being reprimanded like a child.

“It may seem like nothing to you Aoi, but in case you didn't notice, we spend a hell of a lot of time together. We get on each others nerves enough, we don't need whatever underlying dislike you have for each other making it worse,” Kai said.

“It won’t happen again Kai, we wouldn't do anything to jeopardise the band. If we did, management would have our guts for garters and they are the last people we want to piss off,” Uruha said, lifting his head and looking Kai straight in the eye to show him that he was sincere.

But instead of looking satisfied with his answer, Kai just looked sad.

“I hope for both your sakes there are no repeats,” Kai said quietly. He then turned on his heel and walked out the door, with Reita quickly following.

For several heartbeats, the two former lovers just stood side by side in silence as they digested Kai’s words. Uruha finally had enough and was about to leave when he heard Aoi give a chuckle.

“For a minute, I thought he was going to ground us Uru. Or at the very least give us detention,” Aoi said turning to look at the blonde.

Uruha’s first instinct was to ignore the guitarist but he couldn't stop a bubble of laughter as the humour of the situation finally struck him.

“I think Kai has been picking up some bad habits from Ruka. He never used to be quite so menacing,” Uruha said with a smile, which mirrored the one on Aoi’s face.

“It's the hair as well. Now that he has this Rasta hair, you realise it makes that tension vein in his forehead more prominent? At one point it was pulsing so hard I thought it was going to burst,” Aoi said wryly before breaking into a laugh.

It triggered a fresh wave of laughter in Uruha, and for several minutes they just held their stomachs in mirth. Eventually though their laughter petered out and Uruha suddenly became aware of Aoi staring at him with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

Uruha felt his heart drop and tingles go off in his skin. This wasn't supposed to happen, he wasn't supposed to let Aoi get to him. If he did, the walls that he had built up in the past year would crumble.

“Uru,” Aoi started softly. “I’ve been wanting to talk…”

He wouldn't let it.

“I still hate your outfit Aoi,” Uruha said, his voice hard. Not daring to meet Aoi’s eyes, Uruha did a quick turn and left the room.


The Next Day

Uruha sighed to himself as he entered the GazettE’s personal dressing room in the PSC building, tugging wearily on his thin leather tie. Finally, the day was over and the band was done taking their first promotional photos of their new outfits.

Usually Uruha was used the odd hours he kept, but today had proven particularly tiring. Mostly it was due to him keeping up a civil front around Aoi, who was also acting as if their heated conversation the previous day had never happened.

But both guitarists had kept their promise to Kai to behave, which satisfied the drummer enough so that he kept off their backs. Even so, Uruha kept his distance from Aoi the entire day, waiting until the last possible minute to change.

Hence why it was so late when he finally went to do so. Uruha breathed a sigh of relief when he entered the dressing room and found the tables empty of personal paraphernalia and the lights half on, telling him that he was indeed the last to leave.

“Is this what the rest of my working life going to be like though?” Uruha thought as he entered the alcove that served as a changing room and drew the heavy curtain across so hard that the railing rattled.

Sitting down on the narrow bench inside, Uruha bent down to unlace his boots but found even that familiar action too draining. Kicking them off, Uruha leaned against the wall and closed his eyes as he tried to muster up the energy to move.

But soon his tiredness got the better of him and Uruha felt his eyelids grow heavy against his will.

“I’m sure nobody will care if I take a quick nap. Besides, driving in this condition is not a good idea,” Uruha reasoned as he lay down on the bench and finally succumbed to sleep.

Only to be woken up with a jerk by the door slamming and the sound of heavy breathing.

“What the fuck?” Uruha mumbled groggily and was about to draw the curtain when he heard something that made his hand freeze in mid-air.

“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me Ruki?”

Uruha’s eyes narrowed as he recognised Reita’s voice.

“God, that was just bad Rei.” Uruha heard Ruki start to laugh only to have it dissolve into a moan.

By this time Uruha’s curiosity was piqued, so he crept forward silently on all fours, trying to keep his breathing quiet as he drew the curtain across an inch. What he saw made his eyes widen.

Reita and Ruki were currently engaged in a heavy make out session against the dressing room table. From his position, Uruha could only see Reita’s back and part of Ruki’s face that was currently buried in the bassist’s neck.

He felt his heart start to pound at the sight of their hands running eagerly over each others bodies, Reita’s big hands gripping Ruki’s arse through his tight sequined trousers.

Apparently he wasn't the only one who had waited to change. Both Reita and Ruki were still in their outfits, and the vocalist still even had that Village People cap of his perched askew on his red-brown curls.

“Jeez Ruki, what did you do? Rob a gay pride parade? I didn't even know you could actually order a sequined suit anymore,” Reita said teasingly as he brought his hand forward so that Uruha could see him appreciatively squeezing the bulge between the vocalist’s legs.

Ruki bit his lip as a shiver of pleasure noticeably ran through him but he still managed to glare at his boyfriend.

“At least I have imagination Rei. You should really change your style, I’m sure your fans at starting to get bored,” Ruki said, pointedly running a finger over Reita’s sleeveless vest, a trademark look of his, and down his bicep.

In one quick movement, Ruki hooked his fingers under Reita’s armband and yanked him closer so he could bite on his earlobe.

“And I’m starting to wonder myself if you’re fucking your buddy from Deal Design, given how much you wear his stuff,” Ruki whispered harshly, his tongue flicking at the delicate shell of his boyfriend’s ear.

Uruha grinned wryly at the jibe. He had to remember to use that one next time Aoi irked him, switching out Deal Design for H-Darts.

But their banter was so different from what had happened between him and Aoi. Even though he couldn't see his face, Reita’s relaxed body language told him that he wasn’t offended at the insult, if anything his gentle fondling of Ruki’s erection told him that he was amused.

But Uruha could practically taste the lust in the air as Ruki deftly undid the buckle on Reita’s armband, freeing his upper arm from the constraint. The blonde guitarist’s breathing quickened when he saw Ruki draw his tongue across the length of leather, no doubt tasting sweat and skin.

Without thinking Uruha’s hand travelled downwards to undo the zip of his shorts. He hissed under his breath as he grabbed his half-hard cock through his black tights.

It had been a while since he had gotten laid, but the lack of guilt he felt at watching them being so intimate did surprise him.

“I suppose, this is no different from watching porn,” Uruha reasoned.

He had always thought his best friend handsome even with that ridiculous band of cloth around his face, and Ruki wasn't a slouch either in the looks department. He was sure that neither would begrudge him a free show.

They wouldn’t appreciate it though that was for sure and they would definitely beat the crap out of him if they knew, but Uruha was prepared to take the chance.

“Besides, they would see me if I tried to make a break for it,” Uruha thought as he eyed the slightly open door that was right across from him.

A deep chuckle from Reita drew his attention back to the fornicating couple. Reita had taken a couple of steps back and undid his noseband before tossing it to one side.

“Strip for me baby, you can do that can’t you?” Reita asked with a clear smirk in his voice as he dragged a chair towards him before sitting on it.

Ruki raised an eyebrow at the blonde as shifted his weight backwards on the table. Never breaking his eye contact with Reita, Ruki undid his belt and slowly lowered his zip partway. He kicked off his shoes and slowly bent forward to pull off his socks.

“Only if you suck me hard and let me come all over your face Rei,” Ruki said, the unnaturally bright blue of his contacts startling against smutty eyeliner smeared all over his eyes like finger paint.

Uruha swore his cock throbbed harder in his hand at the comment, a pearl of pre-cum dampening the skin under his fingernails.

“If you give me a good show Ruki, I will do more than that,” Reita replied, but Uruha saw him dig his fingers into his thighs so hard his knuckles turned white.

On that promise, Ruki stood up and extended his arms like he did in concert. But this time, his audience was only Reita so that he could appreciate how the suit clung to all the right places.

Licking his thumb, Ruki undid one button on his jacket, and then another, and another, until it hung open revealing his white tank top that was emblazoned with stars and stripes.

Drawing his fingers up from his stomach to the uppermost lapels, Ruki only used the lightest touch to push the material back until it fell from his shoulders and on to the table behind him. His skin was pale and stretched beautifully over his delicate bone structure, subtle shadows highlighting the line of his collarbone and dip of his shoulder.

Uruha heard Reita take a deep breath when Ruki pulled the tank top over his head slowly, inching the fabric upwards with a slow roll of his hips until it was completely off and got tossed to the floor alongside Reita’s noseband.

His own breathing became laboured when Ruki placed a palm flat against his nipple before moving downwards in a slow curve until he reached his trousers. A simple flick of the wrist was all it took to undo the rest of the zip and suddenly Ruki’s pants were on the floor leaving him in skimpy black briefs, which cut across his ass and was currently straining at the seams.

“Your cock looks so hard Rei, I must be doing a good job,” Ruki said with a slow smile, which told Uruha that the bassist must have had his dick out. The blonde tightened his grip on his own cock when he saw Reita’s arm jerkily moving up and down.

“You aren’t finished yet Ruki,” Reita said, his voice straining under his self-imposed sexual frustration. Uruha could only imagine how he was dying to touch his lover, wanting to heighten the erotic imagery with tactile sensation.

The vocalist nodded and hooked his thumbs on the elastic of his briefs and pulled it down so that Reita could see just the root of his cock, surrounded by a dark thatch of pubic hair.

For a few minutes he just stood like that to let Reita drink in the sight, his arms trembling to keep still for so long even as the tip of his dick peeked out from the fabric.


But Ruki wasn't about to let Reita off easy. He loosely held the brim of his hat between his fingers as he placed it before his groin, hiding his cock from Reita’s view.

He deftly tugged at his underwear with one hand until it pooled on the floor at his feet. Ruki stepped out of them and moved forward, all the while holding his hat in front of him.

He used it then to tease the bassist, lowering it to allow Reita a quicksilver look of him stroking his scrotum with eager fingers, before hiding it again. He then pressed it closer so that Reita could see the curve of his cock beneath the hat.

“God dammit Ruki, I’ll blow you the entire week if you would just….”

Ruki smirked and finally took pity on his lover as he moved the hat away so that he could see the vocalist’s hand wrapped firmly around the base of his erect cock. He was about to throw the hat to one side when a gesture from Reita stopped him.

“No Ruki, you can leave your hat on. You look so damn sexy with that thing,” Reita said, his voice thick with lust but still playful.

Ruki responded with a half-smile, but tipped his hat at a rakish angle before taking slow steps towards the bassist. He slowly lowered himself on Reita’s lap until he was fully seated. He roughly ground their hips together, which made him throw his head back with a soft moan.

Uruha had to muffle his own cry of pleasure into his clenched fist as he pulled at his cock faster. He then fully expected Reita to lift Ruki up and impale him on his cock when the vocalist suddenly grabbed both of the bassist’s arms and pinned them behind his head.

“Was that good enough Rei?” Ruki asked as he nuzzled the sensitive area of Reita’s smooth underarms, nipping at the soft skin.

Instead of answering, Reita simply wrapped his arms around the younger man and lifted them both off the chair with a grunt. He staggered forward a few steps before placing his boyfriend on the table. Ruki instinctively tightened his legs around the blonde as they kissed. Uruha had to close his eyes as the sound of soft sucking on lips reached his ears.

When he opened them again, Reita was kneeling before Ruki’s spread legs, his throat full of dick as he sucked hard and he sucked slow, his mouth tight around the vocalist’s cock.

Ruki was now gripping the table, clearly fighting the urge to buck as Reita undoubtly did clever things with his tongue before moving lower to bathe his balls in saliva.

Uruha’s clothes suddenly felt too tight as sweat trickled down his back for the strain of keeping his body upright with no support as one hand was fisting his cock and the other was stuffed in his mouth.

“Lower Rei,” Ruki ordered, his voice hoarse as he grabbed a handful of Reita’s short blonde hair.

The guitarist had to seriously fight back his moans now as he saw Reita’s head obediently move lower until he was no doubt faced with Ruki’s hole. Even though he didn't have a clear view, in his mind’s eye he saw Reita’s tongue lapping at the puckered entrance, penetrating it with the tip.

Ruki’s moans escalated when Reita’s hand moved up. Uruha could just imagine Reita using his fingers to loosen his lover up, his tongue running over all the right spots. The guitarist felt his hand become slicker as cock dripped over the carpet.

Although he would never admit it, Uruha actually missed that particular sexual act. He loved the feeling of fingers inside of him, massaging his prostate. So much so that when he masturbated, he usually came more from fingering than the hand-job.

“Fuck me Reita, now.”

Uruha licked his lips as his eyes opened at Ruki’s command. The hat had come down even lower, almost obscuring one eye, but there was no mistaking the desire in his gaze.

It drove Reita to practically trip over his own feet as he hurriedly stripped off the rest of his clothing. He had only gotten as far as pushing his pants down to his ankles when Ruki lifted his right leg and placed it flat against Reita’s breastbone.

Uruha saw him grind his heel against what he guessed was the bassist’s nipple, before lifting his leg higher so that he could hook the turn of his ankle behind Reita’s neck so he could pull him closer.

Somewhere along the way Reita had picked up a sachet of lube that he hurriedly tore open so he could smear most of it in the crack of Ruki’s ass as well as his cock.

Uruha held his breath as he watched Reita’s cock slip inside the vocalist, slowly but with steady pressure until his balls were flush against Ruki’s ass. He swallowed hard when Reita started to move, gradually at first but he didn't waste any time picking up the pace.

Even though he couldn't see everything, Uruha saw enough. In fact, the brief glimpses of Ruki’s body stretched around Reita’s cock, how his buttocks hollowed as the bassist pounded his lover into the table were even more erotic than if he could see the whole show.

“That’s it Reita,” Ruki growled curses deep in his throat as he spread his legs wider to accommodate the bassist, his hat finally coming off his head and rolling to the floor.

“Come on you lazy bastard, faster.”

Reita simply chuckled and gathered Ruki’s legs so that they rest on his shoulders, bending him almost in half as he fucked him harder. But that flash of humour vanished as Ruki arched beneath him, gripping his cock like a vice. Reita’s thrusts became so hard that the table moved backwards a couple of inches.

“That’s it, a little more.” The words ran amok in Uruha’s mind as he bit harder on his knuckle, his free hand moving faster on his cock, pulling the shaft and rubbing the head as the urge to come became too great.

It wasn't intention to finish before they did, but his illicit watching of their foreplay meant he didn't need to see anymore. They could fuck until they broke the table for all he cared, but he was already so close to his own finish line.


But Uruha’s eyes suddenly flew open and his urge to climax ground to a halt as he heard a soft creak. His orgasm forgotten for the moment, Uruha looked towards the door and felt his jaw drop.

While the door had only opened a fraction more, it was enough for him to see Aoi standing there, leaning against the wall as Reita and Ruki kept fucking. His head was pressed back as far as he possible could so he could gain a better view as he jerked himself off beneath his jeans.

Uruha’s heart skipped a beat at the expression of lust and bliss on Aoi’s face, his eyes half-closed but his head thrown back as the movement under his pants became desperate and rough.

However, it wasn't until Aoi fully opened his eyes and looked straight at Uruha that the blonde moved backwards with a jolt. Aoi looked at his former boyfriend with a naked hunger that made Uruha feel completely exposed despite still being clothed.

Uruha felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment that Aoi of people had caught him with his hand down his pants, masturbating like a horny teenager as he watched their friends having sex.

But when it came to him that Aoi was essentially doing the same, Uruha’s eyes narrowed. Aoi however, didn't seem as perturbed and offered him a sly grin as he looked pointedly at Uruha’s crotch before reaching a hand beneath his shirt to rub his nipples.

This was a gesture of Aoi the sex god, the one who arched and bent on stage because he knew it would get him a reaction and become the object of a hundred filthy fantasies.

It made Uruha determinedly clench his jaw for he was never one to back away from a challenge, especially from Aoi. He reached for his cock again to stroke it as he sucked on his fingertips.

Unbeknownst to what was happening behind them, Ruki came first, his cock twitching in his grip as his semen stained his stomach. Reita didn't wait before taking some in his hand and wiping it over his mouth, knowing that it would please his lover.

“Inside me Rei,” Ruki groaned as he clenched around Reita’s cock, drawing his own orgasm from him so that he spilled hot and hard inside the vocalist.

But their passionate cries only registered at the fringe of Uruha’s consciousness. He was too transfixed at the sight of Aoi finally coming. The blonde had forgotten how much it turned him on when Aoi climaxed, how his eyelids fluttered and how those full lips quivered as they breathed out his name.

And when Aoi looked at him again, Uruha shuddered at the raw desire he saw there in his eyes. But it was soon replaced by a flash of cockiness as Aoi turned so that Uruha could fully see the dark spot spreading from the crotch in his jeans, clearly not ashamed of the fact that he had just cum in his pants.

That was all it took to trigger Uruha’s own orgasm, which came sharply wracking his body in violent shudders as his cock pulsed in his grip and spilled his semen all over the floor. He dug his teeth deeper into the swell of his palm as he milked the last few drops from the tip.

Uruha finally let his hands drop to the floor to bear his weight as he tried to keep his breathing as quiet as possible, mindful that he was not alone, hoping that they were too occupied with their own orgasms.

But when Uruha looked up, his earlier feeling of annoyance came back in full force when he saw Aoi still looking at him with an almost smug smile on his face. Aoi then lifted his sticky hand to his mouth and gave his fingers a suggestive suck.

“Son of a bitch,” Uruha seethed at Aoi’s arrogance, the feeling burning even deeper when Aoi blew him a kiss and walked away.

At that moment, Uruha hated Aoi more than ever.

He also wanted him so badly it made his whole body ache.


Part II: Someone to Watch Over Me


ten lemons for ten pairings, reitaxruki, fanfiction: the gazette, rukaxkai, fanfiction: nightmare, back to you, aoixuruha

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