Cissie King-Jones: Arrowette [Picspam 1]

Aug 18, 2007 20:44

So! I am writing my femgenficathon fic about Cissie King-Jones, the former Arrowette, who is awesome and amazing and really, really fun to have living in my head.

And I realize that some of you--::cough::xenokattzscribophile::cough::--do not know who Cissie is! Now, I could easily *describe* her, and go on about how very cool she is, but...

I decided to let Cissie speak for herself. ;) What does this mean? PICSPAM. Or several.

(Because, yes, I totally have all of Young Justice on my hard drive, JOY! And honestly--I'm not so sad that Cissie is in comics-limbo, given what's happened to the *rest* of Young Justice these days. It hasn't been pretty.)

Anyway, so here is the first of what will probably be several picspams featuring Cissie.

Part of why I love Cissie is because she joins YJ in issue 4, and quits by issue 17--but continues to make regular appearances for the rest of the series, almost 40 issues after she quit. So, picspam 1 is dedicated to Cissie's career as Arrowette, short as it may seem.

Meet Arrowette. The superhero who dares to ruffle Robin's hair when he is in full Bat-sulk mode:

Please to be noting, those of you familiar with Cissie, that I do a significant amount of context and explaining for the benefit of those unfamiliar. If I've made any mistakes, feel free to point them out!

Also--so not dial-up friendly. Sorry.

Cissie shows up at Young Justice's headquarters with an arrow *through* her shoulder. I'm not sure if this scan shows how very awesome and cool she is, or how potentially insane. ;)

Bart vibrates said arrow out of her arm, and Robin bandages her up and Superboy has a crush. It's very, very cute.

Later, the Justice League shows up, questioning whether "Young Justice" is such a good idea. They agree to let Robin, Superboy and Impulse try to take care of a situation--within a time limit. Does it go smoothly? OF COURSE NOT. Which is really all you need to understand the next set of scans, wherein the adults consider stepping in, contrary to their word--and Cissie lets them have it.

Again--is Cissie the bravest, coolest character ever for yelling at Superman and Batman? Or is she just plain CRAZY?! And can we tell this comic was written in the 1990s? Why yes, we can!)

Cissie thinks she is insane. And thus begins the Cissie-and-Cassie friendship! (Cassie being the current Wonder Girl--back when she had a personality and was not *insane.* Although she *did* have the horrific black wig and goggles.)

The boys return after a successful mission--and I love how Robin sidesteps Batman's comment. Nicely done, Boy Wonder. ;) And Superman listened to Cissie.

Impulse (Bart) can vibrate through solid objects, and he can vibrate other people *with* him--so to escape, Bart vibrates the whole team into the basement of a building, and then can't get himself back together. (They are in disguise, explaining the lack of costumes--and Tim's green glasses.) Cissie saves the day, as will only work with... well, Bart.

So, remember how I mentioned that Superboy has a crush on Cissie? Well, *Cassie* has a crush on Superboy. And Cassie is Cissie's best friend--and she totally knows the Girl Code. Witness what happens when Superboy and Impulse crash Cissie's school dance. (Also--witness Cassie without her wig! Gasp--she's blonde!)

This? Is just cute. I love these panels.

Oh, but then it all goes to hell in a handbasket. I do *not* have pics of the really bad stuff--because I would be posting the entire issue. (I can, however, upload it for interested parties.)

The short version is this--Cissie's mother was deemed an unfit parent due to child endangerment for the way she pushed Cissie into becoming Arrowette, and Cissie went to live at the Elias School for Girls in Pennsylvania. There, she met her therapist, Dr. Marcy Money. They became very close--she became a surrogate mother-figure for Cissie. And then she was brutally murdered by her boyfriend, and Cissie managed to witness the videotape of said murder.

She snapped. Cissie hunted Marcy's murderers through the woods and taunted them, and finally cornered the murderer. Using her arrows, she shot him once in each leg and let go of the arrow that would have hit him in the heart--just like he killed Marcy--but Kon (Superboy) showed up, having seen the news. He caught the arrow and gave a VERY AWESOME baseball analogy and gave the arrow back--and Cissie walked away to freak out in the woods and then go catatonic for a while.

While she was catatonic, Kon and Cassie took her to the mall, and she kind of snapped out of it--but decided that she could not, in good conscience, continue to be Arrowette. She explains herself to Cassie, who does not particularly like this idea:

Neither does Bart. (Bart's protests, meanwhile, continue to be one of my *favorite* Bart moments ever.)

And there is a Tim/Cissie shipper in me who squeaks over this page:

And then. Cissie and her mother have a very *complicated* relationship. Like I said earlier, Bonnie King-Jones lost custody of her daughter. Part of why I really love Young Justice is because--over the many issues--this mother-daughter relationship makes *progress.* It changes and it's awesome. BUT, first--Cissie quits. And asks Cassie's mother to take her to tell her mother.

It does not go well.

I think this signals a change in Bonnie's character. After this issue, I am pretty sure that she no longer wears the Arrowette mask.

Remember what Cissie said about the pictures in her mother's house? Bonnie has a rebuttal.

I really hate the art in these next scans, but. Cissie does decide to meet her mother. Who takes her to the qualifications for the Olympic Games. Cissie is understandably wary and insecure--given that, presumably, the last time she held a bow was when she nearly killed a man, I can't blame her.

Next time, Cissie goes to the Olympic Games in Australia, gets a roommate and is eaten by fanmail.

(I totally need some Cissie icons--better yet, some Tim/Cissie icons. :) I could make them myself, but begging is more fun. ;) Plus, photoshop keeps quitting on me when I am working. Not cool.)

comics, dcu, picspam, cissie, arrowette, young justice

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