Title: A Drow Child's Book of Fairy Stories
Setting: Forgotten Realms
Genre: Humour
Summary: Witness classic fairy tales converted into counterparts one might possibly encounter in Menzoberranzan. Marvel at the drow idea of a 'happy ending.' Mind the jade spiders if you pinched this off a drow kiddie to read!
Disclaimer: The Forgotten Realms setting, Drow and other mentioned races, species, spells and objects originated with TSR, Inc. and Wizards of the Coast. The fairy stories used, on the other hand, are public domain.
Part One: (Chapters One-Three) [
Part Two: (Chapters Four-Six) [
Part Three: (Chapters Seven-Ten) [
Part Four: (Chapters Eleven-Thirteen) [
Part Five: (Chapter Fourteen - Holiday Special) [You Are Here]
A/N: This is considerably closer to original content as opposed to a retold fairy-tale, whipped up because I was in a festive mood. Wishing all the best to readers, whatever you celebrate and whoever you celebrate it with. A fine end of year to you all - and to those reading this later, a fine any part of the year to you too. :)
A Drow Llothmas Special
There was once a drow House struggling to raise their fortunes and standing. They were not wealthy yet, but they were clever and ambitious.
The Matron turned, one night, to her consort, and commanded him to seek an idea that would improve their status; for if his ideas proved wrong, she could discard him and let all the blame rest upon him, not harming her own chances.
Knowing this, the consort, Sanazi Ni'klaas, thought for a long while, before hitting upon an idea. The Festival of the Founding, where the Spider Goddess was said to appear personally in her chosen city to test her people, was often the rise or fall of a House.
He went out, into the trade quarter, where the merchants were, and there he donned the red garb favoured by a certain trader's servants and messengers.
He went to a duergar merchant, first, who had a great deal of food for sale, and told him with many clever words that his master desired the food to buy for another market. He went about, here and there, telling a great many things to the merchants, always crediting the matter to someone else entirely.
The consort was, however, in a hurry; he dared not deal poorly with any merchant on the day of the Festival itself, lest it be Lloth in disguise, for all drow of the city knew that she might assume any guise to demand hospitality on that one day in which even the lesser creatures must not be turned away.
And so, swiftly, he concluded his business.
A great many goods were stored in a warehouse that he'd neglected to mention belonged to his House, leaving the former owners to demand payment of those they mistakenly believed had bought their goods. And so, he was able to bring a great supply of food and of luxuries, so that the House might hold a great feast on that day, to show all others that they had wealth and influence.
He came to the Matron, still dressed in his red messenger clothes, and guided her to the head of the table, placing before her gems and gifts; even those others who had been invited were granted gifts, to prove this House had money enough to throw away on gifts to others. And when he told the Matron how he had done this, she laughed long and hard.
The feast of House Ni'klaas was a great success, and Lloth favoured them that day, letting them rise higher in rank, so that they could claim the tools to better themselves still further.
And all was well for them that day, and it was remembered for many years afterwards.
Merry Llothmas to all, and to all a good night!