May 30, 2010 10:58
I would just like to say that I somehow managed to apck my heaviest checked bag to EXACTLY 23 kilos. How did I do this? The world will never know. I like to think I have magical powers of persuasion over luggage and/or airport scales.
In other news, I am sitting at gate 6 in the Cork airport, watching people get off the plane I am about to get on. Also, my bag was MOST THOROUGHLY searched by security. Why? I have no idea. I think it was the enormous tangle of wires comprised of my headphones, my spare headphones, by adapter, my iPod cord, and two phone chargers. the security lady complimented the portrait done by Tony, cuddled and smiled at my stuffed bunny rabbit, and was sympathetic to my "bad leg," which is really a fantasy constructed to get my badass jackal-headed cane through security. OKay, only half a fantasy, because if I walk for too long, my long-suffering right leg does start flaring up. And, I got a charlie horse walking to the bus stop this morning (in my left leg. Seriously. I am breaking).
My hair is turning a bit mad. It is long enough to look stupid now, if it is treated the wrong way.
I hope they don't detain my checked bags and search them. I have this feeling that all the Lush bath bombs stuffed in there will smell suspicious. Or just so good that they HAVE to open the bags JUST TO SMELL THEM.
Okay. Fifteen minutes to boarding. Best wrap up and stuck my computer back in my bag.
Talk to you again STATESIDE!!