May 22, 2010 13:59
Okay, so this is getting RIDICULOUS.
I don't remember if I ever said much about the December flooding in Cork. But I would just like to say that even though I was not here at the time, I am still PISSED that the floods ever happened.
The water quality in our apartment has SUCKED. And is STILL sucking. Several people have told me it is because they're still trying to fix stuff from the floods, and don't want us all to die, so there are lots of chemicals and things in the tapwater.
Oh, my skin thanks you, Cork City.
I need to get back to lovely Yellow Springs water that does not give me breakouts. I don't GET breakouts. Unless you put me in Ireland, after a terrible flood, with awful water quality! *gripe*
Only eight days left of study abroad. Wow. What? Back to that nice clean water REALLY soon. And away from all my Irish lads. I realized last night at a choral party/birthday thing that I would really, really miss them all... : ( It's that bonding during the ash cloud madness that did it.
Right. Should probably go get dressed and spend my Boots coupon before it expires. It's actually sunny today, which is bizarre, so I'm going to take advantage and probably go to the park later. Oh, Fitzgerald Park, how I will miss you.